Monday, September 30, 2019

Enterprise Architecture at American Express Essay

Critical facts American Express, located in New York City, was founded in 1850 (Corporate Profile, 2015). It is one of the 30 companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (Corporate Profile, 2015). American provides services such as credit cards, charge cards, and traveler’s checks (Corporate Profile, 2015). American Express cards account for 24% of credit card transactions in the U.S. (Corporate Profile, 2015). According to the company’s 10k, the company generates $33 billion in revenue and over $5 billion in income. The company’s total assets are over $150 billion. American Express has one of the largest IT infrastructures and is able to handle an extremely high number of transactions each second (Demirkan, 2006). In 2011, the company won the first annual InfoWorld/Forrester Enterprise Architecture Award for its EA initiatives (Knorr, 2011). American Express chose to use an Enterprise Architecture (EA) as their IT framework that aligned their business and organizational needs to their information technology. Enterprise architects were the employees responsible for using this framework to continuously make their processes more efficient and utilizing their IT/IS to the fullest extent (Pearlson and Sanders, 2013). Analysis I will be analyzing the success of American Express’s Enterprise Architecture, how Zachman Framework is used to structure the EA, and how this improved their existing service-oriented architecture (SOA). Changes in the way that mobile payments were being used by their clients, the company had to be flexible and adapt to the transformation. New delivery channels required American Express to adjust their prior time-to-market guidelines for payment services (Pearlson and Sanders, 2013). The company turned to its Enterprise Architecture (EA) to guide them through the current market conditions. The opportunity that American Express saw was to use EA to meet the demands for a hastily changing environment. EA is a complex framework of rigid standards for developing an IT architecture and infrastructure that provides a design of how the IS of a company relates to the businesses and processes  (Pearlson and Sanders, 2013). The architecture analyzes a great deal of the company, identifies core processes and how they work together, and then organizes how business units will interact and how IT will provide support (Pearlson and Sanders, 2013. The EA includes the Core business processes, shared data, linking/automating technologies, and customer groups (Pearlson and Sanders, 2013), with key components like the ability to do business effectively while utilizing new payment methods and mobile devices (Knor, 2011). Though an EA can help organize a company in a meaningful way, there are also potential drawbacks, which are discussed below. Zachman Framework is a tool that can be used to obtain the knowledge about itself with Enterprise architecture. It is a logical structure that classifies and organizes the descriptive representations of an enterprise (Pereira, Marques and Sousa, 2004). The framework integrates and aligns the IT infrastructure and business goals (Nogueira etc. al, 2011). Whereas an EA is used to document and develop the organizational data for American Express, the company uses the Zachman framework methodology to implement the EA. Zachman proposed the framework for IT architecture so that all of the IS architectures are depicted from top to bottom. It uses a matrix to provide a standard to ensure information environments are properly integrated (Nogueira etc. al, 2011). The 5 roles included in the framework are Planner, Owner, Designer, Builder, and Subcontractor. The EA provided several good things to the company. The EA system streamlined American Express’s processes, even as they were constantly re-analyzing how their business was being performed with the added intricacies of new delivery channels (Pearlson and Sanders, 2013). The employment of their enterprise architecture was key to adapting to this new business environment the company now found itself in. The enterprise architects worked closely with other departments and were able to both standardize applications throughout the organization and help create the strategies for each division. The Zachman framework positively assisted in the implementation by answering the questions: What (data), How (function),  Where (network), Who (people), When (time) and Why (motivation). It helped point out the information needed for the EA and their relationships (Nogueira etc. al, 2011). The strategies they helped create involved initiatives for each business, along with their IT support, that aligned well with the overall business plan of the organization. These initiatives, referred to as â€Å"road maps,† standardized their tools, architectures, governance, capabilities, and many other processes (Pearlson and Sanders, 2013). Three types of roadmaps in particular were used by American Express: Technology, reference architecture, and utility/capability. The three roads maps all used a consistent lifecycle management standard and a standardized architecture governance process. Another helpful aspect of the system included the flexibility that EA provided, which worked well with their existing architecture service-oriented architecture (SOA). SOA is an architecture type where larger software programs are broken down into services connected to each other via orchestration (Pearlson and Sanders, 2013). The services work together to form a business process, creating an agile, reusable system for creating applications. The existing software components can be modified to quickly build applications in a rapidly changing environment like the one American Express was experiencing. The enterprise architects assisted in the company’s SOA with an emphasis on reusable utilities and components (Demirkan, 2006). This system is ideal for a rapidly changing environment such as the one American Express was experiencing. Though SOA is a widely-used technology that can increase the IS’s agility, flexibility and interoperability between applications, there are also drawbacks, including the economic and personnel resources (Choi, Nazareth and Jain, 2010). SOA can reduce IT costs and increase the company’s return on IT investment, however the short-term requirements to implement SOA could outweigh long-term benefits (Choi, Nazareth and Jain, 2010). There are also some drawbacks to implementing an Enterprise Architecture,  including the cost of implementation, the risk of stakeholders’ unwillingness to accept it, and the new EA not corresponding to the business goals. When implementing SOA or EA, the entire IS organization is affected, along with the business alignment (Choi, Nazareth and Jain, 2010). Using a Zachman framework to implement the EA defined the involvement of stakeholders, as well aligning the EA goals with the business goals, which alleviated much of the risk of implementing the EA. The Zachman framework helped to avoid the risk that the architecture was not a fit for the employees and customers. In conclusion, the implementation of an EA is a complex endeavor, but was a necessary one for American Express to have the necessary tools to organize and document the whole enterprise, allowing them to quickly and efficiently change with the ever-changing business environment and customer needs. The Zachman Framework assisted in the implementation of the EA, and the company’s SOA gave it the desired agility needed to meet the customers’ needs. Recommendations My recommendation is that American Express’s continue to use the agility of their SOA to keep up with the changing environment. Their current EA was a great architecture that fit in perfectly with their business strategy. Moving forward, American Express will continue to use their highly efficient EA to meet the industry demands that they and their customers will face. The EA has worked well for them thus far, and should carry on as the ideal architecture of the firm in the near future. American Express will continue to face challenges beyond the near-term future and need re-analyze the situation prior to considering another overhaul of their current infrastructure. Many companies fail when attempting to implement an enterprise architecture. An EA will often fail if it is regarded as a separate initiative (Lohe, 2014), but American Express used it as a driver of their business and embedded it into their corporate strategy. Per the drawbacks noted above, this is a large and potentially costly undertaking. The agility of their current SOA and EA should allow the  company to adapt future challenges and they should not rush into an architecture overhaul. Furthermore, I would recommend using this system to its fullest potential by embracing the changing environment as much as possible. They can gain an edge on their competitors by focusing on mobile payments, new payment methods, and the newest innovations and technologies their clients are exposed to. The technological environment is constantly changing with new payment methods like Google Wallet and Apple Pay. Due to their EA, American Express is in prime position to accept these new methods as they develop. References Choi, J., Nazareth, D. L., & Jain, H. K. (2010). Implementing Service-Oriented Architecture in Organizations. Journal Of Management Information Systems, 26(4), 253-286. Corporate Profile. (2015, January 1). Retrieved February 22, 2015, from Demirkan, H., & Goul, M. (2006). AMCIS 2006 PANEL SUMMARY: TOWARDS THE SERVICE ORIENTED ENTERPRISE VISION: BRIDGING INDUSTRY AND ACADEMICS.Communications Of The Association For Information Systems, 18546-556. Knor, E. (2011, September 19). The 2011 Enterprise Architecture Awards. Retrieved February 22, 2015, from Là ¶he, J., & Legner, C. (2014). Overcoming implementation challenges in enterprise architecture management: a design theory for architecture-driven IT Management (ADRIMA). Information Systems & E-Business Management, 12(1), 101-137. doi:10.1007/s10257-012-0211-y Nogueira, J. M., Romero, D., Espadas, J., & Molina, A. (2013). Leveraging the Zachman framework implementation using action – research methodology – a case study: aligning the enterprise architecture and the business goals. Enterprise Information Systems, 7(1), 100-132. doi:10.1080/17517575.2012.678387 Pearlson, K. (2001). Organizational Strategy and Information Systems. In Managing and using information systems: A strategic approach. New York: J. Wiley & Sons. Pereira, C. M., & Sousa, P. (2004). A method to define an enterprise architecture using the zachman frameworkdoi:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Using Blended Learning To Improve Student Performance Education Essay

I have questioned the over accent of traditional schoolroom instruction to pupils who are at easiness with engineering. It continues to be an country of serious concern to me a lecturer/tutor. It is good known that today ‘s pupils are different from pupils who grew up in a non-technological textual universe of books and really small multi-media. These digital age scholars seem to be at easiness with engineering. If I am to do an impact on my pupils ‘ larning it is sensible for me to include engineering in my instruction. I propose hence in this research undertaking to utilize blended acquisition where I can intermix the traditional face-to-face bringing manner of learning with the usage of the societal technologies- wiki, Edublogs, facebook, myspace, Google physician and electronic mail to supply for the online larning /virtual experience for pupils. By so making I hope to widen larning beyond the schoolroom and promote pupil battle in the acquisition procedure. It is my purpose to breed more communicating, coaction, creativeness and sharing information and thoughts among pupils in a short summer class at the UWI. My end is to better pupil public presentation in category and in the concluding scrutiny in the MGMTO43 Information systems Design 11course. I believe that engineering, particularly societal engineerings, should be an built-in portion of learning in the twenty-first century My research describes the attack I used to ease blended acquisition in this class. It identifies the challenges I faced, the infrastructural issues in the schoolroom assigned for the topic which negatively impacting on the original construct I had for class bringing ; the accommodations I had to do to finish the class, my pupils strategic behavior and demands made of me by them during the class. I besides analyse the responses to the pre-course and post-course studies which were undertaken by me and my contemplations as a consequence of making this undertaking. I believe that I have growing intellectually from the procedure and that I shall go on to polish my practice as a lector. I have learned from my pupils. Chapter 1 Introduction My action research survey focuses on the inquiry: How can I utilize blended acquisition to better pupil public presentation in an undergraduate class at the University of the West Indies, Faculty of Social Sciences summer programme. Chapter 2 explores the context of my survey sketching my experiences as a instructor in the instruction system of Trinidad and Tobago. It inside informations my entry in instruction and my early pattern as a instructor at modeling heads of pupils ; depicting my booby traps in footings of my pedagogical practice, the influences of my wise mans and the traditional attack to educating pupils in our instruction system. It goes on to briefly explicate the historical pattern by pedagogues of concentrating on the academically inclined pupils banishing those with different larning manners and describes to overemphasis by the society as a whole on pupil public presentations ( base on ballss ) in national scrutinies as a standard for success or failure of a school. The chapter besides highlights the impact of my exposure to instruction theory and teaching/learning methodological analysiss which have transformed my attack to learning puting the pupil at the Centre of my pattern as a lector. It explores my involvement in engineering in instruction, peculiarly web2.0 societal engineerings and how these platforms positively impacts the teaching/learning dealing ; leting for coaction, communicating, creativeness and sharing of information, supplying for the development of larning communities. I besides explore the construct of Digital Natives or Digital Age Learners and analyse blended acquisition as a teaching/learning methodological analysis from different positions, associating the thought to my grounds for utilizing action research to research intermixing larning as a method for bettering pupil public presentation. Chapter 3 inside informations my methodological analysis in this undertaking. I explore briefly the positions of research in instruction, foregrounding the scientific, interpretative and action point of views. I seek to explicate why the interpretive attack is valid as a method in instruction research and why in the probe of ‘peoples ‘ or ‘students ‘ issues quantification as used in the scientific method may non be every bit valid as making, given the subjective issues involved. I discuss the nature of my research associating my experiences as a instructor at both the primary and secondary sectors and my actions as an pedagogue in the schoolroom. I discuss in some item the research procedure in this survey, depicting the environment in which I functioned, the challenges I faced and how I overcame those challenges. I described my initial interaction with the pupils, the stairss I took to beg their understanding to take part in the survey, the paperss I used and their responses. I besides indentify the ethical issues involved in the survey and how I handled such issues. Chapter 4 describes the action research procedure in some item. I provide a description of the continuance of the survey ; how the pupils responded, their concerns, the challenges I faced in the schoolroom based on the institutional agreements made for the class. I farther explained my premises with respect to what I perceived as basic demands for any blended acquisition activity e.g. pupils holding internet entree at place and in category ; the establishment supplying internet entree in the schoolroom and disposal efficiency. When such facilitations are absent the negative impacts on one ‘s program are important. I detailed some of these issues and how the pupils reacted. I explore issues which arose in the executing of the survey with mention to the teaching/learning dealing, the pupils concerns and how I negotiated solutions. I detailed the pre-course questionnaire and findings and how these determination impacted the attack the survey. In supplying a comprehensive analysis of the questionnaire, I used a series of diagrammatic representations to demo the pupils ‘ responses to the single inquiries. This chapter besides gives a item history the Sessionss as they occurred and the issues I had to meet. Finally, a contemplation on this experience is provided. Chapter 5 focal points on the discussion/analysis of the blended acquisition survey. I provide an history of the action research from the positions of the research inquiries by set abouting an analysis of each of the four research inquiries: Does Blended Learning enhance pupil public presentation in the schoolroom? How can I utilize a blended acquisition attack to better the schoolroom and scrutiny public presentation of pupils in the MGMT 043X class at UWI? How do I reconstitute the MGMT 043X class content to heighten blended larning class bringing to aline with pupils larning manners? Does a Blended Learning attack affect the acquisition manners of pupils? In analysing each inquiry I seek to place the sentiments of the taking research workers and supply snapshots of their research, explicating my ain experiences, defects, accommodations made and contemplation on pupils ‘ public presentation in the short class on planing information systems. I discuss my world in footings of the existent teaching/learning environment – the engineering, the institutional agreements and the accommodations I had to do in the context of the research inquiries. I besides remark to the responses the post-course study in footings of pupil responses to the issues they faced in a blended acquisition environment. Chapter 2CONTEXT OF STUDY2.1 My Experience as a Teacher/LecturerTeaching has been the chief profession I have engaged in throughout my life. I have been influenced by the best of instructors and the worst of instructors, both at primary every bit good as secondary degree. What is important to me, nevertheless, is the important impact, both consciously and unconsciously, instructors have on their pupils. As a instructor I have had to invariably oppugn my public presentation in the instruction /learning dealing because my major aim has ever been to guarantee that my pupils did good in their scrutinies. This was what mattered most since my category and my school was judged by society at big as a ‘good ‘ or ‘bad ‘ depending on the consequences of scrutinies ; whether Common Entrance or SSEC/CAPE. This was the ground I spent long hours in schoolrooms boring my pupils. As a college lector I perpetuated the same myth of difficult work and concern for my pupils by air ing content and boring them on content. Yet I, like many of my co-workers complained bitterly when they underperformed in scrutinies. The fact is that I was perpetuating an educational systemic job of non providing for the â€Å" academically otherwise able † pupils ; the persons who were slow, weak, had different acquisition manners and whose endowments I was unable to tap into because of my attacks to learning and larning. I failed many of my pupils, partially because of my ignorance and rawness in the theory and pattern of instruction. Drudy and Lynch, ( 1993 ) have commented on this systemic failure which continues to happen in our instruction system when they opined: â€Å" Failure in school is construed as a job of single incapacity: we blame the victim for the insufficiency of the system, and the victim in bend internalises a sense of personal failure through the uninterrupted experience of being labelled † . Why was I judged by the society and my braces in the profession as a ‘good ‘ or ‘bad ‘ teacher/lecturer depending on how many of my pupils performed magnificently in scrutinies? What caused this over accent on the per centum of pupils who passed their scrutinies from my category? Like so many other teachers/lecturers, the perceptual experience of â€Å" excellence † was linked to scrutiny base on ballss. Humphreys ( 1993 ) asserts that: â€Å" instruction is non merely about developing rational and occupational accomplishments ; it is besides about assisting pupils to understand and value themselves. † These thoughts were merely non in my consciousness ; as were the other pedagogical issues ab initio, which were of small concern to me -how my pupils learn, my bringing manners, their acquisition manners, my method of pupil appraisal, my failure to implement group and independent acquisition, my ignorance of the impact of schoolroom environment, the important relationship between my pupils societal, environmental, psychological and cultural backgrounds which impacted on their ability to execute academically in the schoolroom. I have since recognised the cardinal significance of each of these issues in the context of my pupils ‘ public presentation and the hugh impact each has on my function as teacher/lecturer. Over the past decennaries, I have been exposed to new thoughts and educational constructs about instruction and acquisition. I have agreed with ( Gardener, 1991 ) thoughts on multiple intelligences, ( Bloom, 1956 ) taxonomy, every bit good as Dale ‘s cone of experience among others. More late, I have been exposed to the theories and thoughts of instruction and acquisition in a formal scene as I undertake surveies and research at the University of the West Indies in Teaching and Learning in higher instruction. This alone experience has helped me to transform my original instruction doctrine leting me to be at a occasion where I believe that all instruction should be humanistic. I focus on the pupil. I have besides recognized the cardinal function that engineering dramas in twenty-first century instruction. I am a truster in the power of web 2.0 ( O'reilly, 2005 ) societal engineerings in instruction in the context of advancing communicating, coaction, critical thought, creativeness, sharing, reaping of digital learning resources and the publicity of life-long acquisition. I am convinced that digital indigens ( Presnky, 2001 ) and digital age scholars ( ISTE, 2010 ) learn otherwise from digital immigrants and accordingly, I need to concentrate more on a constructivist attack to acquisition ; guiding, negociating and animating pupils to voyage their ain acquisition, leting for more student battle in the teaching/learning procedure. The chief aim of my schoolroom dealing in higher instruction is to prosecute and act upon my pupils to get cognition ; to construct on their real-life experiences and to guarantee that they learn. As of import as scrutinies are, my focal point is on larning, in all its contexts. I have besides observed the impact that engineering is holding on my pupils in their day-to-day lives, particularly those 30 old ages and younger- Digital Natives or Digital Age Learners ( Prensky, 2001, ISTE, 2010 ) . As a effect, I have had to do accommodations to my schoolroom minutess. Broadcasting can no longer be my chief manner of learning nor can the blackboard be my chief tool for learning. I need to utilize a scope of learning manners, fiting my bringing with their acquisition manners and guarantee that I meet the diverse larning demands of my pupils. It is against this background that I have embarked on this action research undertaking to happen out how I can utilize blended acquisition to better the public presentation of my pupils in an information engineering subject-Designing Information System II, a short class at the Summer School conducted by the Social Sciences Faculty of the University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus. My research focuses on how I shall utilize Blended Learning to assist better the public presentation of pupils in the MGMT 0433 Designing Information Systems II class so that they are successful at the end-of-course scrutiny. I shall seek to happen out what accounts for the successes I achieve, the challenges I face, the impact of blended acquisition on the pupils public presentation, their response to blended acquisition, their initial and post class constructs about the method, the institutional agreements which positively and negatively impact on the class aims and larning results, my pupils ‘ contemplations and eventually my ain analysis and contemplations on this experience. 2.2 What is Blended Learning? In subjecting my proposal for this action research I opined the undermentioned thoughts: â€Å" Traditional teacher-centric attacks allow for inactive response of educational content, do non aline with learning manners of many pupils, is teacher/classroom-centred, non pupil -centred, do non let for real-world experiences and by and large concentrate chiefly on summational appraisal. By itself, the traditional teacher-centric, airing attack to content bringing in higher instruction is non run intoing the varying demands of today ‘s technology-enriched digital age scholars, runing in an prosecuting technologically advanced societal environment. More significantly, the cohort of mature working, parttime pupils who by and large entree the eventide programmes at higher acquisition establishments are hampered by the limited contact-time with the lector ( by and large 3 hours per hebdomad ) . There is a demand for such pupils to pass on with their lectors beyond the category room session ; whether in groups or separately, to be exposed to excess beginnings of content, both print and on-line, societal platforms for communicating, coaction and sharing of thoughts. Blended larning provides these advantages. † I see blended acquisition as leting for the pupil to associate his/her acquisition manner with my methods of bringing in the schoolroom and besides enabling the communicating, coaction, sharing and co-authoring of content, thoughts, resources and solutions to inquiries in the MGMT 0344 class beyond the confines of the hebdomadal category and tutorial session. The thought of the â€Å" blend † in acquisition is supported by ( Garnham and Kaleta, 2002 ; Singh, 2003 ; Bonk and Graham, 2005 ; Albrecht, 2006 ; Lloyd-Smith, 2009 ) . In a broader context Blended Learning is intercrossed larning normally defined as a mixture of traditional face-to-face acquisition with instructions together with the elements of engineering where online resources are created, organized and placed on Learning Management Systems ( LMS ) . The attack besides incorporates a scope of constructivist mechanisms including the placing of capable content, quizzes, mystifiers, games and simulations, usage of real-time and asynchronous treatments. In a blended acquisition method, larning content can be utilized from Webpages or Website-based learning objects or organized as online activities. This method is now been recognized as a major methodological analysis for improved pupil public presentation in higher instruction. The detonation of societal engineerings in inst ruction e.g. ( youtube, edutube, facebook, frickr, myspace, chirrup etc. ) used by digital indigens and to a lesser extent digital immigrants, and their positive impact on the higher instruction environment has necessitated a reconsideration of the bringing methods used in talk halls. The thought of anyplace, anytime larning is a world in higher instruction today. Blended learning environments provide the most important characteristics for this sort of larning. Based on the above thoughts, my action research seeks to happen out the relationship between the usage of a blended acquisition bringing manner and pupil public presentation in the MGMT 0344X class faculty. 2.3 Blended Learning: The Different Positions a ) The Student & A ; Lecturer There are different positions with regard to the context, usage and impact of blended acquisition as a methodological analysis of bringing in higher instruction. The thought of betterment in pupil public presentation is critical and besides indispensable. One finds in the literature, research on blended larning from the position of the scholar ( Chen & A ; Jones, 2007 ; Delialioglu and Yildirim, 2007 ; Orhan, 2007 ; Burgess, 2008 ; Greener, 2008 ; Jusoff, K. & A ; Khodabandelou, 2009 ; Lloyd-Smith, 2009 ; Miyazoe and Anderson, 2010 ) ; the instructor ( Draffan and Rainger, 2006 ; Robertson, 2008 ; Motteram & A ; Sharma, 2009 ; Miyazoe, & A ; Anderson,2010 ) ; the higher learning establishment ( Singh, 2003 ; Francis & A ; Raftery, 2005 ; Albrecht, 2006 ) and from pedagogic pattern and doctrine ( Shank,2002 ) . A figure of surveies in the literature besides point to intermix acquisition as a mechanism for improved public presentation of pupils taking class faculties in higher instruction ( Gray, 1999 ; Black, 2002 ; Gunter, 2001 ; Sanders & A ; Morrison-Shetlar, 2001 ; Yildirim, 2005 ; Greener, 2008 ) . Although still in germinating phases, these action research surveies indicate the demand for alternate attacks to the bringing of classs and the debut of engineering in the teaching/ larning dealing. However, there is still a important function for the lector ; particularly in the beginning of a faculty when there is demand for counsel, way and motive ; when student-student coaction and larning community is non yet developed ( Greener, 2008 ) . She farther asserted that face-to-face Sessionss in the blended acquisition environment are critical and intense but non as frequent. The end is to heighten student-centred acquisition and autonomous acquisition. Chen and Jones, ( 2007 ) make reference of lucidity of instructions in the traditional manner and a greater apprehension of the constructs in the blended manner. Thus a combination of clear instructions and greater apprehension of constructs could accrue if pupils are exposed to a blended acquisition environment. This thought is supported by ( Greener, 2008 ) who suggested that little group size was appropriate as a instruction scheme that dynamically mediated on-line treatment and offered encouragement and support, particularly in the preliminary phases of a class faculty. Though this is the ideal state of affairs it must be noted that blended acquisition can besides be used successfully in big categories. Delialioglu and Yildirim, ( 2007 ) opined that blended larning bridged the properties of on-line instruction- efficiency, sufficiency and freedom to entree information anytime with the features of traditional schoolroom direction ; such as leting pupils to concentrate on new information presented in add-on to working with equals and teacher in category. The major focal point in both methods of delivery-traditional and online should be on faculty redesign to magnify the wagess of both manners of direction. This is critical to the improved public presentation required of pupils, since the purpose is ever to guarantee that the acquisition manners of all pupils in a category are activated, given the different manners of bringing and the exposure to engineerings that allow for sharing, coaction, equal coaching, communicating and contemplation. Burgess, ( 2008 ) focused on blended acquisition from the position of its suitableness for parttime mature pupils. The impact of the first loop of the blended attack to a fiscal faculty resulted in 8 % betterment of parttime pupils ‘ Markss. Whereas 50 % of parttime pupils asked for clip extensions or grants for subjecting assignments antecedently, merely one asked in the first loop of blended acquisition. Students who missed categories because of work were less dying because the class content was available on Moodle. The illation to be drawn from these findings is that there are a figure of positive results to pupils taking a class in higher instruction utilizing blended manner whether full-time or parttime. In the instance of parttime pupils the entree to content 24/7, the ability to work with equals in real-time and online, to pass on with lecturer/s in category and on-line, the ability to work in groups or equals in-class and online and the ability to develop learning communities are advantages which impact positively on their public presentation. There is go oning grounds, that blended acquisition does lend positively to student attitude and hence their public presentation in class faculties. B ) Higher Learning Institutions & A ; Programs The reappraisal so far has focused on blended acquisition from the position of the pupil. Higher acquisition establishments besides play a critical function in the development of blended acquisition to the extent that they can supply blended larning programmes to run into the many-faceted demands of their pupil population. Singh, ( 2003 ) focused chiefly on the holistic demands for a blended acquisition programme ( from an institutional point of view ) supplying what he calls the dimensions and ingredients for blended acquisition programmes. He besides seeks to supply a theoretical account for making what he calls the ‘appropriated blend ‘ in such programmes which trades both with the single class and jointly, the acquisition experience. The findings suggest an institutional position is besides important to the thought of blended acquisition. The deductions here are notable in the context of instructional criterions for blended acquisition programms across higher acquisition establishments modules. His usage of ( Khan ‘s, 2005 ) Octagonal model is informative as it provides for a thorough usher for the production of blended larning programmes in higher acquisition establishments. Albrecht, ( 2006 ) on the other manus dressed ores on the efforts by North American higher acquisition establishments to develop blended acquisition programmes ; He postulates careful planning, institutional support and a willingness of module to utilize engineering as the most critical elements for success in any such transmutation of class bringing manners ; foregrounding the demand for close attending to be paid the single differences and larning manners of pupils to give improved pupil public presentation. ( Francis & A ; Raftery, 2005 ) advocated the demand for rethinking the acquisition demands for today ‘s scholars in the context of the proviso of edifices which will advance acquisition, including blended acquisition. They opined that existent and practical acquisition environments are complementary and should let for seamless passage between the two by both lectors and pupils. They indicated the demand for coaction and entree to engineering services to supply a blended acquisition environment which promotes collaborative, student-centred, technology-enhanced acquisition which is institutionally derived and supported. This attack is in sink with ( Singh, 2003 and Albretch, 2006 ) . There is hence a distinguishable focal point on the establishment as a driver and protagonist of blended acquisition at the macro degree to assist better pupil public presentation. The literature alerts the reader to the broad scope of considerations which must be taken into history by higher instruction establishments which are engaged in the development of blend larning programmes. It besides focuses on the critical demands for the development of an attack rooted in the teaching method which facilitates the apprehension of the issues to be identified and clarified in order to use blended acquisition as a mechanism to help in the betterment of pupils ‘ performance.This analysis therefore identifies three positions from which to originate blended acquisition, whether a class or programme: 1. the student/lecturer, 2. the institution/course and 3. the engineering ; all of which aid to better pupils ‘ public presentation. These thoughts would be used to find to what extent blended acquisition can better pupil public presentation in the MGMT 043X class in the 2010 Summer Programme of the St Augustine Campus. The information gathered would assist to find what characteristics of blended larning addition pupil ‘s public presentation and how the usage of ICT engineering impacts the teaching/learning. Chapter 3 Methodology Chapter two contextualises my learning experience and how instruction. Methodological issues are the topic of chapter three. Chapter four trades with the research in item In chapter five I examine the chief countries of apprehension and growing which I experienced as a consequence of the research Chapter six concludes my research as I reflect on how I will better my pattern in the hereafter, the unsolved issues which arose during the research, and the strengths I have gained through my engagement with action research which will assist me to face future educational challenges.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Market Potential Indicators for Laptop Computers Research Paper

Market Potential Indicators for Laptop Computers - Research Paper Example While all of these indicators provide clues to the countries listed as emerging markets, some of these indicators are more critical to laptop marketing than others. We want to know population and electricity consumption because we need to ascertain that there is a sufficient number of potential consumers and that those consumers are likely to have the needed electricity required to charge and operate our laptops. In a country where there is low electricity consumption, we can assume that people are without refrigerators and other power-intense kitchen appliances, and do not use air conditioning. This suggests a lifestyle that will not lend itself to the perceived need and purchase of a laptop, considering that desktop PCs cost far less. We want to know how active the middle class is in earning money and spending it, and what percentage of the total they earn and spend, because we need to tailor our product design and marketing accordingly.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) - Essay Example Same-sex marriage (also known as gay marriage) is marriage between two persons of the same sex sex/gender. Legal recognition of same-sex marriage or the likelihood to perform a same-sex marriage is some of the time alluded to as marriage equality or equivalent marriage, especially by supporters. The primary laws in modern times, empowering same-sex marriage were established amid the first decade of the 21st century. In May 2013, thirteen nations, and a few sub-national administrations, permit same-sex couples to wed. Uruguay and New Zealand have both sanctioned laws to legitimize same-sex marriage, which has come into energy in August 2013. Same-sex marriage laws have differed by jurisdiction, being differently treated through anauthoritative change to marriage laws, a court decision focused around protected certifications of fairness, or by immediate prominent vote. The acknowledgement of same-sex marriage is a political, cultural, rights issue, and even a religious issue in numerou s countries. Debates are continuously rising on the hot topic whether same-sex couples ought to be permitted for marriage, be obliged to hold an alternate status. Permitting that couples to wed lawfully is thought to be a standout among the most imperative of all human and civil rights.Gay marriage has been a discriminating point in numerous nations for ages. Around the year 2000, nations, e.g. America and the United Kingdom began affirming gay marriages, despite the fact that not everybody concurred with this choice.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Intervention plan for diabetic patients Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Intervention plan for diabetic patients - Essay Example Nutrition is the most important factor for diabetic patients because it impacts directly on the blood glucose levels. As an intervention plan for the diabetic patients, it comes with restriction on the kinds of foods the patients should take based on their glycemic index and nutrient content (Ross, Boucher, O’Connell, American Diabetic Association, 2005). Diabetic patients need to be enrolled on a healthy diet that prevents an occurrence of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. A diabetic diet entails healthy eating in which all nutrients are available to the patients with minimal fats and added sugar. Diabetic patients should consume carbohydrates that exhibit high fiber content in concert with slow sugar release. Being directly responsible for the blood sugar level, the quality of carbohydrates is essential to consider for the patients. It is necessary to limit intake of highly refined carbohydrates, for instance, bread and pasta because they increase the blood sugar level at an accelerated speed. Complex carbohydrates have lower glycemic index hence increasing the blood sugar level at a slower rate. Blood glucose, therefore, remains moderate. Examples of high fiber carbohydrates suitable for diabetic patients are brown rice, steel cut oats, and peas. Adopting a healthy diabetic diet does not translate to the total elimination of sugary foods from the diet. Patients have to moderate the intake to ensure the amounts taken do not cause hyperglycemia. Patients need to limit the amount of hidden sugar they take in packaged and fast foods. In regulating carbohydrate intake, limiting soft drinks and processed food intake is essential. Choosing what to eat for the diabetic patients extends to the fat intake (Ross et al., 2005). It is important for the patients to consider the kind of fats they take because it has bearing on the diabetic status. Saturated and Trans fats constitute unhealthy fats for diabetic patients. Saturated fats come from animal products like

Police Misconduct Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Police Misconduct - Essay Example The police may torture a detainee in custody in order to force confessions to crimes that were not otherwise committed by the detainee. If it emerges that the detainee was tortured, the police may lie about what they know so that they can avoid the possible consequences. Police may torture a detainee in their custody with the intention of forcing the detainee to confess to some crimes or to obtain evidence that can secure conviction in a court of law. The police can also force some witnesses to testify in court cases by providing false evidence. The forced witnesses may be threatened with jail terms if they fail to cooperate with the police (CIP). In order to deal with police misconduct, anyone who witnesses it should report by either doing it directly or anonymously to the police. A review board will then analyze the case in order to establish the truth. Police officers can then be prosecuted or cleared of any misconduct charge (CMC

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon Research Paper

Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon - Research Paper Example He took over the responsibility of the secretary to the state and as the president’s advisor. This paper will highlight the contribution of President Nixon and Kissinger in the events surrounding the cold war. Kissinger was responsible for the implementation of majority of the diplomatic decisions that he discussed with the president. Although they worked together and made very crucial decisions, they did not trust each other. There was distrust between them and behind each other’s name; they threw insults at each other. President Nixon took advantage of the Jewish factor in Kissinger. Nixon always suspected that Kissinger was not completely honest with security matters. Despite this distrust, they plotted out a Cambodian mission during the Vietnam War. America indulged in the Vietnam War in support of the southern Vietnam that had not conformed to communism. The Vietnam War had its influence from the cold war. The Soviet Union had exerted its influence on the northern Vietnam while America was supporting the south. The two global powers sought to establish allies in this war depending on the whether country was willing to adopt communism or capitalism (Tudda, 2012). One of the policies involved the detente policy between the Soviet Union and China. Nixon and Kissinger wanted to establish a solution to the increasing tension in the cold war that was persisting at the time. Since America’s economic growth was becoming very slow during Nixon’s second term, he sought to establish ways in which he would reduce the tension of the war without additional expenses on the military (Tudda, 2012). Therefore, Kissinger and Nixon plotted the detente strategy. Implementation of the detente policy involved secret travels and negotiations with China. This strategy sought to convince the Soviet Union and China to withdraw the communist influence on northern Vietnam. Both Kissinger and Nixon made efforts to rebuild the strained relationship with China in order to ease the cold war tension. Although the initial attempts found China unyielding, the persistent diplomatic persuasion from Kissinger and Nixon would bear fruit in the end. However, it was not easy because Taiwan emerged to be an issue. There was a debate on whether Taiwan would adopt the policy as part of China or as an independent identity. It became confusing to determine whether the Sino-American negotiations were seeking to establish a solution for only China or the solution would apply to Taiwan (Burr, 2002). Nixon and Kissinger targeted to use the polycentrism of the socialist society to their advantage. Their China negotiations opened a triangular front of diplomacy. The strategy’s main objective was to open up ways in which America could continue exerting its foreign policies. In addition, the new policy would minimize the use of weapons by the two global powers. Some analysts view the strategy as one that implied level of political maturity. Others quest ion the real intentions of Kissinger and Nixon. However, it commendable that the policies eased the tension of the war largely giving the American people some hopes (Banyan, 2007). In addition, Nixon and Kissinger made more move s in ending the Vietnam War. Both South and North Vietnam and Cambodia had formed Indochina. The southern and northern Vietnam were fighting to gain autonomy from the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Journaling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Journaling - Essay Example daily behaviors about how to realize and reach a middle ground to be able to be an effective teacher-journalist in class in a class which shows affection to learning. Wages are what a worker gets from money or solid appreciation of their work. This differs according to education and constitution the worker belongs to and works in. It is negotiable and thus the worker could offer more for his working time the more the appreciated he is and the effect of such behavior is the giving efficiently into the work done. If improperly done, the law has the right on the side of the customer and employer to cut down the wages until proven better in the way of handling the work(referring to the worker)if the worker does not efficiently prove him or herself worthy of the wages they get they are either fired or demoted or given a lesser salary or wages than the primary wages they have been given before the time of the inefficiency. The fact that workers could be differentiated among due to racial or religious backgrounds is uncontroversial but is not the purpose of this essay unless referred t o later on when wanted. When a worker deals with the surrounding environment they are affected upon and affect upon and this is directly proportional or inversely proportional according to the manner that the environment is dealt with and how the worker is dealt with. The main thing is that the more appreciated the environment is to the worker the more efficient the worker works and thus the increase of productivity and quality and quantity of the product. But is the wages a measure of such appreciation? sometimes ,if not under constrictions of strict law rules or employers who employ their relatives and friends who could not efficiently work in their positions, the wages to a great sect, if not most of the sect, deal with wages as being the best thing to measure the way that performance in such field by the worker has been progressing. The worker applies his methods of working and of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Career Analysis of a Real Estate Enterpreneur Essay

Career Analysis of a Real Estate Enterpreneur - Essay Example Their impact lives on for generations. A real estate entrepreneur, also known as a real estate investor, is a person actively or passively involved in real estate. Real estate refers to property that consists of land together with the housing and natural resources found on it. Thus, in business, real estate is a profession that deals with sales and purchase, or renting of land, housing or buildings. An active investor may buy or make improvements on property to be sold at a later date for profit. On the other hand, a passive investor does the work of an active investor indirectly. In their case, they hire firms to buy and manage property on their behalf. Career Path Real estate is an occupation to be considered by people with a balance of industry knowledge and entrepreneurial acumen. Even though getting a job as a real estate entrepreneur may not be difficult, beginning workers face a lot of competition from seasoned and well established entrepreneurs in the field. Organizations hav e taken the liberty to chart out the path of a real estate investment. This is done in stages of training. In each stage, an employee undergoes training. Upon their success, they rise up the ranks. For instance, Keller Williams Realty has seven levels of training (Keller Williams Realty, 2012). These levels include career launch, success series and boot camps. A summary of these levels is as shown below. Trends Real estate markets have a great impact on the economy. A healthy real estate market has been known to positively drive the economy. A good example is China. According to Barboza (2010), in 2003 to 2010 period, real estate prices in Shanghai increased by over 150%. Construction of property has continued despite the threat of credit crunch. The government has benefited from this rise in prices as GDP has increased from 2% (2000) to 6% (2011) due to residential housing investment. The 2008 global recession had an adverse effect on real estate industry. Sad though, the reverse i s also true. Economies have declined as a result of an unproductive real estate industry. In America, there was a decline of people being hired into the sector. However, this changed shortly after. Between January 2011 and January 2012, there was a 20% increase in job advertisements (Lombardi, 2012). Hiring Demands in the Real Estate Industry – 4 Year Hiring Trend Source: WANTED Analytics Technology is a significant aspect to the growing change in career trends. For part time real estate entrepreneurs, the increasing use of technology may work to their detriment in comparison to full time entrepreneurs who invest in technology. The same technology does have a positive impact. It has increased the productivity of real estate investors. It has widened the market base since they are able to access their customers and do research on various property using the internet. The internet is particularly resourceful because of the pool of information it contains. The perception of real estate as a worthwhile investment and low interest rates continue to stimulate real estate sales. This creates demand for real estate entrepreneurs. One may, therefore, choose real estate investment as a career path. The legal front also plays a vital role in determining trends in real estate. Real estate entrepreneurs need to meet certain legal requirements and adhere to certain legal conditions. Changes in legal requirements, like the disclosure laws, may discourage some who are not serious or are not abreast with such

Saturday, September 21, 2019

National Savings Essay Example for Free

National Savings Essay â€Å"National saving can be used domestically or internationally. Explain the basis of this statement, including the benefits to the nation of each use of its saving. † First of all, let’s understand the concept of national savings. In economics, a countrys national savings is the sum of private savings (i. e. personal savings) plus the business savings (i. e. undistributed corporate profits) and public savings (i. e. tax revenues less public expenditure). (economicswebinstitute. org, 2003) (Wikipedia. org, 2008). So in simple words, what people save i. e. hen they avoide to consume all their income, is called personal savings. These savings can remain on the bank accounts for future use. For the economy as a whole, national saving is the portion of the nation’s income not used for private and public consumption. Just as for people, saving for the national economy is the act of setting some of current income aside for the future instead of spending it for current consumption. (Gao. gov, 2001). So the savings left in bank accounts are an important part of money. This money could be used by banks, which can decide to finance businesses. The amount of money used for investment depends on the deposits, which banks receive. So an increase of personal savings and/or corporate profits could increase investment. Companies which do not distribute a certain part of its corporate profits, will keep that money in bank accounts also for future business opportunities. Domestic investment could be investment in new factories and equipment, which can increase productivity of the nation’s workforce. The increased productivity, in turn, will lead to higher wages and greater economic growth over the long term. Gao. gov, 2001). So we come to the first conclusion that if national savings increase, a country through its banks could invest more in its economy and finance more projects and support the economy. In general, more national saving will increase a nation’s capacity to produce more goods and services and generate higher income in the future. (Gao. gov, 2001). This phenomenon has been seen in a couple of Asian countries, where the saving rate of households was very high like in Russia, Japan and China, which were able to industrialize quickly. It seems also that there is a close association between national savings and domestic investment in developing countries. These countries are in desperate need for cash to invest in infrastructure and boost its economy including industry, service, etc. Before going to the international market and asking for loans, these countries will first of all make use of every penny that they can find in their banks. So one of the main findings, is that national saving provides resources for a nation to invest domestically. Traditionally, there has been a strong relation between domestic savings and investment ratios. feweb. vu. nl, 2009) The question now is: will these resources be used only in the country itself or could they be used elsewhere. In a closed economy the national savings will definitely be reinvested in the domestic economy. But this is only in theory, since nowadays we can not really find a 100% closed economy anymore! There are countries that have high net saving surpluses and which need to invest it. These countries are sometimes too small to be able to offer the right investment opportunities for this huge liquidity. Countries in the Arabian Peninsula like Qatar, UAE or Kuwait are the best example. In addition, capital is getting very mobile and can be moved easily from one country to another and invested abroad. (wikipedia. org, 2008). With all that money floating around looking for an investment, it doesnt seem that domestic savings are all that important any more. (socrates. berkeley. edu, 2011). Let’s elaborate more on the benefits of investing the national savings abroad? We agree that the sum of national saving and saving borrowed from abroad represents the total amount of resources available for investment. This investment could be used to purchase capital goods like plant, equipment, software, houses, and inventories, by businesses and governments. (socrates. berkeley. edu, 2011). So what are the benefits of investing the national savings abroad? Will this really lead to improving domestic economy and increase the wealth of the people? An investment abroad does indeed increase the nation’s wealth and will generate income. This income could be again reinvested in the domestic country or abroad. One of the very obvious examples is the economy of the GCC countries. Qatar is one of the smallest and wealthiest countries in the world. Its main wealth comes from oil and gas, which accounts for more than 90% of its GDP. Qatar invested huge billions in its domestic economy (infrastructure, refineries, ports, real estate, preparation for world cup 2022, etc). It still has huge amount of money, which could be invested strategically. It currently, invests billions of petrodollars in all 5 continents. It has bought shares in big companies in all kind of industries (oil and gas, banks, luxury, airlines, soccer etc). By doing so, it will even help other companies and countries invest in successful businesses and boost their economies. The other countries probably have national savings which are lower than the needed domestic investment. They will borrow from foreign savers (in this case Qatar) to compensate the difference. Qatar will also repatriate this money or even reinvest it. This is a way to create more wealth to Qatar and the Qatari people of the next generations. A similar phenomenon is seen in other GCC countries, Singapore or Norway which have the so called sovereign wealth funds, that move huge amount of money from one place to another searching for the best investment opportunities. National savings is beneficial for each nation,, which needs to invest in its domestic economy. It’s also important for other nations, which borrow the money in the international capital market. By doing so, they can make use of the capital flows to invest in their economies and pay back the loans. So in total the world economy is more dynamic. Huge amount of money go to where the investment opportunities are. As a conclusion, we can say that national savings and the resulting investment have huge implications on the wealth of a nation and of course on the well being of people in current and future generations.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The IMF, World Bank and the Washington Consensus

The IMF, World Bank and the Washington Consensus The Washington Consensus was created in 1989 by John Williamson; it was used to describe the 10 policy prescriptions. The Washington Consensus was made to be the baseline of directions for countries, who are in need of assistance from international economic entities, for example the international Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Washington Consensus has been referenced many times; this has made it a general term of disparagement to those who go against the free market fundamentalism. (Williamson 1989) The ten points of the Washington Consensus were rather vague because they were to represent a baseline. The points included were, liberalizing foreign investment opportunities, keeping competitive exchange rates within the nation, privatizing enterprises run by the state, letting interest rates be handled by the market and remaining positive and moderate, strong legal guarantees for property rights, spending away from subsidies and to direct investments in infrastructure, education and health care, deregulation and reduce competition, except for consumer safety, environmental health and financial institutional stability. The last point raised is reforming the tax system to a broader tax base. (Williamson 1989) The Washington Consensus has resulted in limited success when it has been applied in nations which are suffering economic crisis. It has come under some criticism for a number of destabilisations for example the Argentinean crisis. John Williamson himself noted that the results have been disappointing upon implementation and how it could be improved and noted some of the flaws. John Williamson pointed out that the reason for failed results were that the Washington Consensus did not place any special measures on mechanisms for avoiding economic crisis. (Williamson 1989) People who opposed the ideas of the Washington Consensus believe that it represents exploitation of developing countries by developed countries. Some nations in Latin America have implemented policies which go directly against the Washington Consensus which resulted in good results in some occasions. Some socialist leaders like Evo Morales, Hugo Chavez and Nestor Kirchner have all spoken out against the Washington Consensus and implemented policies which have taken their nations to very different directions. (Reed 2007) Though other Latin American counties with governments of the left wing have in practice adopted the bulk of the policies included in Williamsons list but they often criticize the principles of market fundamentalism that they are often associated with. These policies have been promoted by the International Monetary Fund but have come under some criticism by US economists like Rodrik and Joseph Stiglitz. They have both challenged the fundamental policies of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the US treasury, Stiglitz called this a one size fits all action for individual economies. Joseph Stiglitz stated that the treatment that was suggested by the IMF is far too basic; he said the policies did not prioritise or look for side effects. (Reed 2007) The policies for the Washington Consensus were originally created as a response to the crisis that was happening in Latin America. In 2010, several nations from the area are now being led by socialists or other left wing governments. Some of the countries are campaigning for and have adopted some policies which are opposite to the Washington Consensus policies. Even though some nations in Latin America have left wing governments such as Chile, Peru and Brazil, they have still adopted most of the policies that are in the Washington Consensus, even though they go against the principle of market fundamentalism that on such occasions are associated with. (Reed 2007) There has been a lot of criticism about the Washington Consensus. Most of the criticism has been focused on the elimination of subsidies and on trade liberalisation. The criticism has been rather harsh towards the agriculture sector. Countries which have a substantial amount of natural resources, they have criticised the privatisation of industries exploiting these resources. Neo-Keynesian and post-Keynesian have both been very critical of the consensus and they have argued that the core policies were wrongly been laid out and are too inflexible to be successful. An example of this would be flexible labour laws were supposedly meant to create new job opportunities; economic evidence from Latin America has been largely inconclusive. Some critics have criticised that the policies do not take into account of the cultural and economic differences between the nations. They believe that these policies should be only implemented at times of economic growth and should not be implemented during economic crisis. (Naim 1999) Foreign Policy chief editor, Moises Naim, argued that there was no such consensus in the first place. Moises Naim had argued that there was and still is important differences between economists over what is the best and correct economic policy. This is the reason the idea of there being a consensus was also flawed. (Naim 1999) SOURCE: WORLD BANK and ECLAC As you can see from the chart above, it shows that Brazil and Latin America who have implemented the Washington Consensus from 1990-2004 have showed that the Economic Growth has dropped by more than half. East Asia economic growth has gone up and they have not implemented the Washington Consensus. This has shown that the Washington Consensus has had a considerable impact on the growth. East Asia did not follow the Washington Consensus policies in some important respects. They adopted strong industrial and government policies, as well as creating successful government enterprises. They were also slow to liberalise capital markets and trade. Such difference accounted for the performances between East Asia and Latin America, because of this there was faster and increased growth in East Asia. They also benefited from growth that was widely shared and became more stable except for the 1997 crisis where all the countries recovered quickly expect for Indonesia. (Franko 2007) SOURCE: ECLAC SOURCE: ECLAC The adoption of the Washington Consensus has had an immense impact on GDP per Capita. The GDP per Capita at the end of 2003 is -0.3 % and in the 1960s it was 2.6% The Washington Consensus policies had only produced very limited growth, but when growth occurred it was not equitably share. The Washington Consensus was at best indifferent, and at worst hostile, to specific ideas and policies that would have promoted equality. Unemployment rates have steadily been rising and the Washington Consensus has no impact on reducing unemployement rates. Critics of trade liberalisation such as Tariq Ali and Susan George, see that the Washington Consensus is a way to open up labour markets of underdeveloped economies so companies from developed nations can exploit this. Washington Consensus allows free movement of items across the borders, however labour is not allowed to move freely there are requirements like a work permit or a visa. This then creates a scenario which goods are manufactured by cheap labour in developing nations and then these good are exported to developed nations for a big mark-up. The criticism of this is that the underdeveloped economies workers remain poor, any pay rises that the workers may receive over the money they made before the trade liberalisation are then offset by inflation. Developed nations workers become unemployed because of work being moved offshore and the owners of the businesses become richer. (Reed 2007) Joseph Stiglitz believed that the Washington Consensus had proved that it was neither sufficient nor necessary to be successful for development. He believed that even if each of its policies made sense for specific nations at specific times it was still unsuccessful. Joseph Stiglitz said that any future consensus cannot be made just in Washington and that any new framework should provide tailored adaptation to particular circumstances that the nations are involved in. (Change, 2001) There has been a lot of criticism of the Washington Consensus policies; there has been evidence of their impact on health, which has led to the development of the post-Washington Consensus. The ideas and policies of the post-Washington Consensus aimed to: Create vertical and horizontal policy coherence Include the creation of enforceable codes and standards, and concessions to social welfare through targeted social safety nets Manage liberalized trade, finance and monetary systems Include firms and businesses in a Global Compact for Development and the PRSP process. Many supporters of the post-Washington Consensus believe it differs from the original ideas and fundamentals of the Washington Consensus. The main goal for the Washington Consensus was to make economic growth in development. The new post-Washington Consensus differed from this and moved away from the neo-liberal, market-friendly approach and places sustainable, egalitarian and democratic development at the heart of the agenda. The post-Washington Consensus is more focused on poverty, which supports and protects the poor and aims towards social spending on health and education. Some still argue that the original ideas of the Washington Consensus neo-liberal agenda still underpins the new ideas and policies of the post-Washington Consensus, referring to the social safety net aspects of the new policies are there to be an add-on to cope with market failures. (World Health Organisation 2010) Joseph Stiglitz believed that new framework was needed to guide us to stable, democratic, sustainable and equitable development. He also believed the framework should reform global economic architecture to promote efficiency, developing countries to focus on their goals and objectives, stability and equity among nations. The post-Washington Consensus looks at the importance of employment, and balanced roles of the government and markets. This would be completed by promoting and regulating markets, providing physical and institutional infrastructure and also by endorsing innovation, technology and education. (Change 2001) The Post-Washington Consensus recognises the importance of the a nation in open markets as well as more liberal policy environment. This approach sees the importance of avoiding state failure which needs institutional innovation and democratic governance. The Post-Washington Consensus sees the need to tackle inequality as well as poverty as their main objectives looking away from efficiency and growth objectives. An example would be that markets, themselves do not produce efficient outcomes when there is a changing of technology or the learning about markets. These processes are important in development and East Asian countries recognised this but the Washington consensus did not. In respect to all these points the Post-Washington Consensus is a more progressive approach to development compare to the Washington Consensus. (Onis and Senses, 2005) There has been criticism of the Post-Washington Consensus that it adopts a technocratic and narrow approach to markets in both a global and at national level. The Post-Washington Consensus sees existing power structures as pre-determined. This is the reason why it fails to tackle the asymmetries of power and the fundamental power relations that are between the classes at level of nation state, and also the powerful versus less strong nations in the economy. These issues would need to be tackled in order to get over development issues. (Onis and Senses, 2005) The IMF and the World bank have not welcomed the Post-Washington Consensus policies. The IMF went through a crisis with their identity straight after the Asian crisis and they have been trying to reform themselves. However the IMF has a restrictive understanding and viewpoint of what should be the foundations for the Post-Washington Consensus. This has had vital consequences because the IMF is an important player for crisis nations and emerging nations. (Onis and Senses, 2005) The criticisms that was given to the Washington Consensus by the newly designed Post-Washington Consensus has fallen short in terms of dealing with the main issues but the Post-Washington Consensus still has cracked the neoliberal approach, which may lead to new and fresh viable alternative. The jury is still out for the Post-Washington Consensus as a definitive viable alternative but together with flourishing other globalisation movements and alongside the background of growing distributional imbalances at every level, this would bring such a change to be an alternative option.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Two Personalities in My Last Duchess :: My Last Duchess Essays

Two Personalities in My Last Duchess The poem "My Last Duchess" is about a powerful Duke, and his beautiful, flirtatious wife who has two different personalities, one that was reality and the other was the lady in the painting. The poem begins and ends with him mourning the loss of his deceased Duchess, but from the way that the mighty Duke speaks, he knows more about her death than he leads us to believe. The Duke chooses his word very carefully, when he talks to his friend about the painting of his wife. He only drops small hints, to his friend about the death of his Duchess. Which leads me to believe that the Duke killed his wife, or had someone to put her to her death. As the Duke speaks of his Duchess, in the beginning, he sounds extremely compassionate and caring towards her. The Duke had an absolute love for his Duchess as most husbands and wives do.   He sounded so proud of her and the beauty that she posed: almost like she was a trophy. Despite all of the pride and excitement that he showed towards her, there was an element of distrust that lingered inside of his mind. The Duchess created the element of distrust that was bestowed into the marriage. The Duke explained that his wife was extremely flirtatious and easily impressed. The Duke said, "Too easily impressed: she liked whate'er she looked on, and her looks went everywhere." This line is telling about the Duchess, as she was when she was alive. The Duke believes that his Duchess is a cheat, and that she doesn't try to hide it either. A husband can tell when his wife is interested in another man, cause she once looked upon him in that way she is looking upon her new male interest. The Duchess probably didn't know that her husband was watching her, while she was taking interest to her lovers. She may have thought that she and her male interest at the time were alone, cause not any woman, in that era would have been seen with another man besides their husbands. Given the fact that this poem dates back to the Duke and Duchess era, so they lived in an old fashioned world. The Duke believes his wife is not being faithful to him.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Pigman :: essays research papers

The Pigman Lorraine is one of the main characters in the book called The Pigman. This book is about two kids, Lorraine and her good friend John. Lorraine has many different traits. One of her main traits is that she is paranoid. She also is very shy and softspoken, but can be a comedian otherwise. Lorraine can be extremely paranoid about doing things that she hasn't done before. She won't want to try something new unless it looks perfectly safe. Not that it is a bad thing, just that a lot of times it seems to get in the way of her having a good time. She seems to get this from her mother, which is always worried about her daughter and what boys might do to her. Lorraine's mother worries that she is wearing too short of dresses, or that the things that she wears are too "sexual". Even though Lorraine is quite paranoid, she doesn't seem to have a problem with ditching school. This is something that her and John would do often after they met the Pigman, Mr. Pignati. It seemed that she would never be the type to throw a party. It seemed in a way that John convinced her into it in a way. Lorraine can also be shy and softspoken. She never really stood up to her mom or rebelled in any way like John did. When her and her mom got into a fight, she was thinking about how she wanted to yell at her mom and the next minute she was over at the table comforting her. This showed that she did care about her mother, even if her mother was kind of strict. She would go along with a lot of things that John said just because she didn't want to stand up to him. This showed that she didn't really have a backbone, and that she was easily pushed around. Lorraine can also be a comedian. Her and John and Pigman would all take turns entertaining eachother by dressing up or doing something stupid, and she kept right up with them. She seemed to like to entertain people, but she just had to be in the right mood.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Life Is So Good by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman Essay examples --

Life Is So Good by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman Good Afternoon Ms. McCafferty, I made this appointment because I passionately believe that the book, Life is so good written by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman should be on the Carey booklist for Year 9 students. Life is so good is a magnificent part biography, part autobiography of a 103 year old black man named George Dawson who went to school to learn to read and write when he was 98 years old. George Dawson may be 103 but he can still walk without a cane and can remember his life with an uncanny ability. That is why there is so much detail in this book. Life is so good tells of his hard life from when he was only 6 years old and living on a farm in the outer region of a town called Marshall in Southern Texas. In an early c...

Globalization in the hospitality industry Essay

1: Educating workers around the world: Due to globalization, managers and employees of hospitality industry are able to learn about the different cultures, people, religions and other different prospects of life. Globalization also helps them to understand what importance of humanity is. Racism is still a part of some people but due to globalization it is getting hidden. 2: Multilingual services: Due to globalization more and more people from different parts of the world are traveling around the world. Hotels got benefit by these modernization but to maintain this traveling many hotels hire people who know different languages so that their customers feel comfortable and safe. 3: More knowledge about different cultures: So,e years back, people are not use to travel internationally and due to this many people were not aware of different cultures and traditions around the world but now people do travel and this increases the knowledge of people to understand about various cultures For example: When In India, I see tourist coming from Africa and they wear their traditional clothes and speak different language. This way I understand their culture and their heritage. 4: Increasing knowledge about different variety of foods: Due to this vast trend of globalization, more and more restaurants and hotels have different variety of food because you never know which people are coming from which part of the world. Everybody love food and when they see their own food somewhere they feel so relaxed. For example: Chinese tourist travels all around the world and so all big cities have â€Å"China Town†. These things attract Chinese people go and visit these places which are far from China but yet very similar Chinese tradition. 5: Increase in trade agreements: Globalization increase trade agreements between two countries as It is good for the economy of both countries as well as for the benefit of people who wants to understand other country’s culture and heritage, For example: Canada and China have very strong trade relations as China is the second largest trading partner. These relations are maintained because of this increasing multiculturalism. 6: Increase in equality among people and language and cultural barriers reduced: When people travel and work in different parts of world, this reduce language and cultural barriers and increase equality among people as they all feel comfortable with working with different people. This is one the major advantage of globalization because non equality and racism are biggest enemy of humanity. Now people have to be more knowledgeable to take any actions against any culture or race

Monday, September 16, 2019

Fire And Rescue Leadership Essay

The rapid and dynamic environment in which fire safety and rescue services operate require transformational leadership which can manage subsequent pressures in organizations. Leadership is important in directing workers in any organization towards achieving organizational objectives. The rapid changes that take place during a fire emergency can only be properly managed through flexible working patterns and communication tools (Crosby, 2007 P. 10). Organizational leadership is generally responsible for designing vision and communicating values that are consistent with the mission of the organization. Followers are therefore coached on best practices and procedures for giving and receiving feedback on sensitive matters to the organization. Exchange of ideas within the organization is a product of harmonious relations between the leader and workers. It is this exchange of ideas and interaction between leadership and followers that inspires teamwork and quality performance at workplace. Changes must be appropriately factored in the planning of an organization. Fire rescue demands effective and timely communication of information in order to avoid fire disasters getting out of hand. Fire and rescue leadership is the pivot around which operations and tasks are managed for safety and goals to be achieved. Literature review Group and team managers working in fire stations are the principle leaders who strategize vision and explain it to employees. Lifelong learning, emotional intelligence and self awareness are very important leadership at all levels (Cote, 2003 P. 14). Fire outbreaks are an emergency which if not managed properly could lead to devastating effects. Prior preparation and strategic planning is therefore necessary in benchmarking precise decisions and innovations which can thwart a crisis. Training is therefore part and parcel of the organizational culture of transformational leadership in fire safety and rescue services. An effective leader should possess a character of humility and courage in order to direct fellow workers in preventing and arresting fire emergencies. Such a leader should also be charismatic enough to influence focus in employees towards achieving organizational objectives. Fire and rescue training is an important component of managing fire risks and associated damages. The training program is fragmented in several sections that correspond to variety in expertise. The daunting task of training falls in the hands of the fire engineers and management which look into technical details of the training and financial allocation respectively. The fire engineer outlines the curriculum for the training taking into account engineering and architectural details that apply to fire safety. It is the duty of management to support training programs financially. Fire fighting requires enormous investment in monetary terms towards purchasing facilities and equipment for quenching fires. Rescue operations also require the support of machinery and equipment that guarantee the safety of the rescuing personnel and survivors during a fire outbreak. Joint trainings are carried out by experienced managers and engineers who ensure that fine details are adhered to while minimizing financial spending. Too much fragmentation of the training program could lead to duplication of tasks in teams which could result in wastage of resources (Muckett & Furness, 2007 P. 16). Joint trainings foster lucrative professional relationships across disciplines that facilitate exchange of ideas between experts on matters of fire safety and rescue services. It is therefore the duty of fire and rescue leadership to organize the different trainings into a formidable program that ensures that roles are properly assigned, resources economically allocated and time saved in the process. Meaning training should be carried out in an integrated approach instead of stand alone activities in various teams. The quantity and quality of the training should serve the main purpose and goal of the organization towards reducing the devastating effects of fires while enhancing rescue services successfully. Effective education and training should ensure skills are acquired within the time frames allocated. Qualified instructors provide integrated training which can ensure mutual operations in fire and rescue services. Allocation of relevant resources for training should be consistent with the training program and the topics to be covered. It is the task of the leadership to ensure that courses are covered effectively and information recorded regarding attendance and compliance of employees to the program. Competency targets need to be clearly stated and explained to employees undergoing the training for purposes of evaluating their work performance (Hoff & Kolomay, 2003 P. 19). Documentation of the training in terms of attendance and compliance by trainees is a key performance indicator of success. Information management is equally an important aspect of the training program which ensures that relevant data is taught with respect to the current trends and practices in fire safety and recue services. Current trends include emerging technologies and techniques that provide solutions to the problems at hand. Fire and rescue leadership should evaluate technologies and alternative techniques with the aim of weighing their cost and applicability in their organizations. The current system and structure of preventing and arresting fires should be investigated against the modern approaches after which decisions can be appropriately made. In case the current system does not support a comprehensive and precise fire rescue operation during emergencies, then it could be improved based on the modern technologies or otherwise replaced where the current system fails to provide expected results. Maintaining the current system with new innovative technologies saves time and resources as compared to an entire overhaul (Smeby, 2005 P. 15). Methodologies Leadership should guarantee safety of people and securing of property during fire outbreaks. Managers, supervisors and managers should ensure that resources are appropriately allocated to the important activities and programs. Different departments can be trained through a rotational program that recognizes the needs of each of them. Such a rotational program is cost-effective and proficient in terms of training the entire staff comprehensively. It is also the duty of the management to ensure that legal compliance to fire protection is observed. Standards related to the physical design of the building and escape routes during fire emergencies should be factored in fire management policies (Crosby, 2007 P. 17). This enables organizations to avoid unnecessary confrontations with the law and architectural specifications in case of fire. Apart from the support provided to continuous education and training of personnel on matters of fire safety, the smooth running of organizations is a factor of how compliant they are to the established code of conduct and professional ethics. The use of appropriate technologies and techniques in fire fighting and prevention of physical damage is only effective if physical security conforms to architectural specifications. Leadership is therefore tasked to educate employees on fire safety protocols such as the use of fire extinguishers and first aid. The fire service and rescue operations should therefore be designed in respect of the industry standards and technological advancements. A culture of fire prevention should be developed instead of the regular approaches where efforts are directed on fire suppression after an outbreak. Fatalities and damages can be effectively reduced if fire prevention is prioritized (Cote, 2003 P. 20). Firefighting however persists as an important strategy in managing fire outbreaks. Leadership should therefore ensure that fatalities during firefighting are radically reduced. Normally, fire outbreaks are sudden. Detection of fires and smoke is thus crucial at its onset in firefighting. Communication systems which include alarm and smoke detection systems should be operational and properly maintained. This is because fire spreads at an unpredictable rate and may cause unfathomable fatalities and damage to property. It is therefore the responsibility of those in organizational leadership to ensure that the relative occupancies of different buildings are factored in fire safety protocols. Occupants should also be properly trained on how to respond to a fire emergency in order to avoid unnecessary panic and confusion that usually develops during such disasters. Behavioral leadership is therefore part and parcel of fire safety management (Muckett & Furness, 2007 P. 24). Rescue operations normally take time to reach the site of a fire outbreak. Fire safety should therefore seek to empower different occupants with skills for escape. Apart from robust infrastructure made up of proper communication tools, spacious physical design and escape routes, occupants should be properly trained on perishable skills that would ensure composure and communication is sustained throughout the period. For instance, people with disability require additional support in terms of alternative safe havens within the building which are insulated from fires in order to secure their lives before rescue operations are launched. It is equally important that these alternative safe havens are accessible to occupants with disabilities away from the congestion of other normal people during a fire incident. Conclusion Saving lives is the ultimate responsibility of fire safety and rescue operations. Different stakeholders are involved in planning, organizing and implementing activities which prevent and arrest fires. Fire and safety leadership ensures that fire prevention strategies are feasible in a dynamic environment where technologies keep changing and techniques in firefighting vary (Hoff & Kolomay, 2003 P. 28). It is the responsibility of organizational leadership to apply wisdom and innovation when designing the best procedures and policies in fire safety. It is important that the current systems are evaluated and appropriately upgraded in order to align organizational infrastructure in fire safety with relevant modern technologies. These are particularly important in designing communication and detection systems which can promptly alert occupants on the danger of fire. Since rescue operations take time to be launched, minimizing the degree of fatalities during a fire incident remains on top of the agenda in fire safety. Fire and rescue leadership should therefore apply collaborative and transformational approaches in organizing trainings and fire fighting strategies. Reference list Cote, A E 2003, Organizing for Fire and Rescue Services, NFPA (Series), Jones & Bartlett Learning, Sudbury, MA. Crosby, F C & Windisch, F C 2007, A Leadership Guide for Combination Fire Departments, Jones & Bartlett Learning, Sudbury, MA. Hoff, R & Kolomay, R 2003, Firefighter Rescue & Survival, Penn Well Books, Oklahoma. Muckett, M & Furness, A 2007, Introduction to fire safety management, Butterworth- Heinemann, Amsterdam. Smeby, L C 2005, Fire and emergency service administration: management and leadership practices, Jones & Bartlett Learning, Sudbury, MA.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Favorite Food Essay

â€Å"so exactly where are we going again?† I asked my dad while pulling out of our driveway. â€Å"Just wait I know you’ll love this restaurant,† he announced. He was taking me to Espinoza’s, an authentic Mexican restaurant. There was a large window right beside the door when you pull in, with a big, orange, neon sign with the words ESPINOZA’S written in capital letters. My dad opened the door and I led him in. Right when we walked, there was a young girl, about five feet and 3 inches tall, who asked us in an accent if it was just the two of us today. Behind her about eight meters away, was a bar like counter that was higher than normal, for when the chef prepared your meal, he could place it there to be brought to the table. We sat down at our table right beside the big window with the neon sign, a table for four. Two glasses of water were brought to us, by Maria, our waitress, who all the while made suggestions on their selection of other drinks. There was a glass fridge, like the ones at gas stations, directly behind where dad was sitting, and it contained all kinds of carbonated drinks. All the sodas were in glass bottles with classic looking labels, that had Pepsi, Coke, and some other ones with Spanish words on them. Right beside the fridge were two slushy machines. One slushy machine had a red drink called Aqua De Jamaica, and the other one a creamy white one, Horchata. Tamarind and infusions of hibiscus flowers are what give Jamaica its red color. My dad ordered Horchata, which is made from a combination of long grain rice, milk, and sugar. We both sipped on our ice cold drinks, while placing our orders to Maria. As we waited for our food to arrive, I headed towards a jukebox on the opposite side of where we were seated. I flipped through all the tracks of songs and in the end just chose one based on the the picture on the cover of the album. Just as I was heading back to my seat, I saw Maria with a circular tray the size of a tire filled with food. I scurried over to beat her to our table because I wanted to see why dad was so enthusiastic about bringing me to Espinoza’s. What happened next, I will never forget. The smell the awoke every last bit of my senses. An oval plate was placed in front of me, as if I were some royal being. Laid out in perfect layers were nacho chips that looked like a bloomed rose’s petals. On top of the petal-like chips were marinated chicken strips, grilled so you could see the marks on them, showing all of the effort that was put into its cooking. The chicken was seasoned with a blend of zesty Mexican spices. Hints of lemon, paprika, crushed peppers, and onion powder gave tastes of sourness to sweetness with every bite. Sauteed onions, sweet bell peppers, and tomatoes are what completed the next layer. Melted white cheese smothered the beans that were evenly distributed upon every nacho chip that existed on my dish. I took the first bite. Related by more than just the blood in our veins, my father and I are best friends. He has always known me more than I’ve known myself. He brought me to Espinoza’s because we both share a love for Mexican dishes. The flavors of the spices remind us of the connection and joy we have in our friendship. He even called me last night to remind me about the soccer game that would be on in ten minutes between Barcelona and Real Madrid. They tied one to one.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Great Awakening

Great Awakening revived and reformed religion by creating a new intensely-emotional approach to Church teachings. New Light preachers added a much needed Jolt to this religious slump of boring and uninspiring sermons. They rivaled, and served as serious competition for the traditional â€Å"Old Light† teachers. However, was the Great Awakening a key contribution to the American Revolution? I can agree, but, the true answer Is Indecisive. Whether the â€Å"Awakening† did or did not influence independence in America, this new wave of religious freedom is with no doubt an important landmark in history.Despite disagreeing to this next opinion, the â€Å"supposedly† ineffective relationship between the Great Awakening and the revolution is supported with heavy content. According to some, this religious involvement was merely, as Jon Butler puts it, an â€Å"interpretative fiction†. This states that the Great Awakening was a meaningful symbol with no valid refer ence; it had â€Å"more talk, and less substance†. Butler also argues that historians took â€Å"revivals having little connection† and unified them Into one big affair.When merging with the world of politics, Church leaders failed to spread religion because of failure to defend It. They never supported the Awakening with â€Å"factional alignments† (historical evidence) and even failed to show strong â€Å"discontent with the Imperial relationship†. Some rebellious factions like Samuel Ward's and Stephen Hopkins in Rhode Island, and several New York resistance parties, were never linked to the Great Awakening. Defiance groups against Britain were already established without the help of a religious influence.The arguments that supported this â€Å"enlightenment† weren't convincing enough to influence such a revolt. Nevertheless, the Great Awakening inspired a new freely independent way of elisions and political thinking in British-America either wa y. Ezra Stiles was an American clergyman who worried about an imminent forthcoming of religious freedom In the colonies. This fear was an example of how such a religious movement could easily become a threat to the British. This freedom also institutes and Inspires an Ideology of liberty.Led by Jonathan Edwards, George Whitfield, and the Tenets, these â€Å"New Light† preachers emotionally Impacted the view of parishioners. Their explosive innovative interpretations of faith to God and their fiery sermons changed religion forever. James Davenport was known for preaching in the streets; gathering listeners to learn about a different approach to receive God's favor. Davenport â€Å"encouraged his followers to cast away their fine clothes† and other valuables to live their life based on God and not by material things.Because of the New Light's favor for education, many famous ivy-league colleges were created from it too. Their inspiration on social, political, and educati onal subjects marks the power of religious influence. It was a significant event that united the Americans to share something together as a group. This newly and largely formed congregation shaped how Americans viewed society and religion to what It Is today. Even with well supported Information, negative views towards the Great Awakening aren't as convincing as the power of God.Cods presence of higher authority gave Americans hope that the British aren't strong enough to rule over them forever. Traditional teachings of the now respected as a fair, merciful, powerful, and fair leader whom the people could look up to. What was also learned under God was that all men were created are equal. America uses this term as inspiration for their separation considering that it was mentioned in the â€Å"Declaration of Independence†. The equality of man and the justice of the Lord gave an opportunity for them to be free; free from English rule.As harmless as the â€Å"building of strong er faith† sounds, religion has the ability to inspire a revolution. The newfound feeling of pride for God and country was a strong impact to America. They couldn't let that go. They were starting to feel more like a country and â€Å"united† nation. It was impossible to Juggle between their newfound religious and social beliefs with Britain's already established religious and social beliefs. With the accomplishments of the Great Awakening, came the start of a separation that will change history. The Great Awakening Great Awakening revived and reformed religion by creating a new intensely-emotional approach to Church teachings. New Light preachers added a much needed Jolt to this religious slump of boring and uninspiring sermons. They rivaled, and served as serious competition for the traditional â€Å"Old Light† teachers. However, was the Great Awakening a key contribution to the American Revolution? I can agree, but, the true answer Is Indecisive. Whether the â€Å"Awakening† did or did not influence independence in America, this new wave of religious freedom is with no doubt an important landmark in history.Despite disagreeing to this next opinion, the â€Å"supposedly† ineffective relationship between the Great Awakening and the revolution is supported with heavy content. According to some, this religious involvement was merely, as Jon Butler puts it, an â€Å"interpretative fiction†. This states that the Great Awakening was a meaningful symbol with no valid refer ence; it had â€Å"more talk, and less substance†. Butler also argues that historians took â€Å"revivals having little connection† and unified them Into one big affair.When merging with the world of politics, Church leaders failed to spread religion because of failure to defend It. They never supported the Awakening with â€Å"factional alignments† (historical evidence) and even failed to show strong â€Å"discontent with the Imperial relationship†. Some rebellious factions like Samuel Ward's and Stephen Hopkins in Rhode Island, and several New York resistance parties, were never linked to the Great Awakening. Defiance groups against Britain were already established without the help of a religious influence.The arguments that supported this â€Å"enlightenment† weren't convincing enough to influence such a revolt. Nevertheless, the Great Awakening inspired a new freely independent way of elisions and political thinking in British-America either wa y. Ezra Stiles was an American clergyman who worried about an imminent forthcoming of religious freedom In the colonies. This fear was an example of how such a religious movement could easily become a threat to the British. This freedom also institutes and Inspires an Ideology of liberty.Led by Jonathan Edwards, George Whitfield, and the Tenets, these â€Å"New Light† preachers emotionally Impacted the view of parishioners. Their explosive innovative interpretations of faith to God and their fiery sermons changed religion forever. James Davenport was known for preaching in the streets; gathering listeners to learn about a different approach to receive God's favor. Davenport â€Å"encouraged his followers to cast away their fine clothes† and other valuables to live their life based on God and not by material things.Because of the New Light's favor for education, many famous ivy-league colleges were created from it too. Their inspiration on social, political, and educati onal subjects marks the power of religious influence. It was a significant event that united the Americans to share something together as a group. This newly and largely formed congregation shaped how Americans viewed society and religion to what It Is today. Even with well supported Information, negative views towards the Great Awakening aren't as convincing as the power of God.Cods presence of higher authority gave Americans hope that the British aren't strong enough to rule over them forever. Traditional teachings of the now respected as a fair, merciful, powerful, and fair leader whom the people could look up to. What was also learned under God was that all men were created are equal. America uses this term as inspiration for their separation considering that it was mentioned in the â€Å"Declaration of Independence†. The equality of man and the justice of the Lord gave an opportunity for them to be free; free from English rule.As harmless as the â€Å"building of strong er faith† sounds, religion has the ability to inspire a revolution. The newfound feeling of pride for God and country was a strong impact to America. They couldn't let that go. They were starting to feel more like a country and â€Å"united† nation. It was impossible to Juggle between their newfound religious and social beliefs with Britain's already established religious and social beliefs. With the accomplishments of the Great Awakening, came the start of a separation that will change history.