Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Limitedness of the UN Human Rights Agenda Essay

The Limitedness of the UN Human Rights Agenda - Essay Example For more than sixty years, the UN Commission on Human Rights (CHR) embodied this disappointment. In spite of being the leading UN human rights agency tasked to evaluate human rights actions of its member states and endorsing human rights across the globe, the CHR was reduced into a medium that human rights violators exploited to hinder condemnations of their own actions (Schaefer 2009, p. 139). The poor reputation of CHR intensified over time that previous UN secretary-general Kofi Annan proclaimed, â€Å"We have reached a point at which the Commission’s declining credibility has cast a shadow on the reputation of the United Nations system as a whole, and where piecemeal reforms will not be enough† (Schaefer 2009, p. 132). Thus, in March 2006, the General Assembly made a decision to supplant the CHR with the Human Rights Council (HRC) (DeLaet 2014, p. 138). Unfortunately, during the discussions, numerous core principles and changes that had been suggested to guarantee that the HRC would not replicate the errors of CHR was not able to acquire the needed approval in the General Assembly. In consequence, the HRC has been initially ineffective and weak in upholding and supporting basic human rights—a performance that is not likely to get better by involving the United States in the HRC in 2009 (Goodhart 2013, pp. 68-69). Sadly, even the other UN bodies have been weakened by the limitations that plagued the CHR and keep on overwhelming the HRC—the capacity of countries that do not promote or implement human rights to control or influence the system and susceptibility to political manoeuvring.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Theoretical methodologies Essay Example for Free

Theoretical methodologies Essay Research Design Population The population to test the hypothesis is a group of 102 students’ data collected from various universities across the United States. The sampling included a systematic random sampling method to ensure that students from all kinds of universities and economic and academic backgrounds – the focus was to ensure that the sample was free from biases and reflected as closely as possible the true student population of the United States university students. The age range for the collected sample ranged from 18 to 24. As many as 10 different universities were represented in the sample of 102 students and the economic status of the students was kept anonymous assuming that it was normally distributed. The next step was to gather the number of hours they spent studying. This was done by providing to them an hourly description document of their activities attached in the appendix. From that the number of hours studied was keyed off and stored for corresponding GPA entry. The GPAs were obtained from the career counselors of the universities – to ensure the accuracy and the authenticity of the data. The methodology used by Stinebrickner and Stinebrickner (2007) is complex; it involves establishing the exogeneity of the factors that might affect the causal relationship of studying to academic average and was unique to the study since the research setting had a more controlled and rigid atmosphere than most colleges that made the experiment possible. Prior to the study, the researchers had gathered longitudinal data about student’s academic and personal life in the campus and used the said data to build a model of the typical college student’s habits and behavior. Methodology Used Since the relationship between increase in hours of study and GPA increase is proportional (could be either linear or exponential), we will use regression testing to establish the conclusion as to whether the relationship is significantly strong enough (causative) or not. Research Question: â€Å"Is there a positive relationship between the number of hours spent by a student studying and the GPA obtained by the student? † Data Analysis The ordered pairs for the correlation coefficient will be as follows: [Hours spent on Studying, GPA]. The dataset is as follows: Hours Spent GPA Hours Spent GPA Hours Spent GPA 0 3. 00 2 1. 71 2 3. 83 1 1. 67 2 2. 59 0 2. 01 1 1. 30 3 3. 36 1 1. 09 6 1. 34 1 1. 28 5 2. 59 2 1. 25 0 3. 17 0 2. 74 5 3. 85 4 1. 11 1 1. 47 2 2. 36 3 3. 95 1 1. 08 3 2. 93 0 3. 44 5 2. 26 3 1. 74 0 2. 88 4 3. 04 3 3. 55 1 2. 87 4 1. 95 1 1. 22 3 2. 26 0 3. 42 2 3.49 3 3. 09 1 3. 19 3 3. 76 0 1. 03 3 2. 27 5 2. 56 5 3. 76 2 3. 71 6 2. 50 1 1. 87 4 2. 40 6 2. 59 6 3. 68 1 1. 26 2 1. 29 0 1. 00 4 3. 27 2 3. 42 2 2. 45 2 1. 74 5 2. 37 0 2. 66 1 2. 25 4 1. 31 5 1. 13 2 2. 56 3 3. 00 5 3. 05 5 2. 67 0 3. 22 2 2. 73 0 1. 72 5 3. 34 4 3. 71 5 2. 80 4 3. 65 5 1. 52 2 1. 25.5 2. 14 4 1. 98 1 3. 30 0 3. 75 2 3. 09 6 2. 17 0 2. 75 3 2. 62 6 2. 69 0 2. 29 1 3. 42 6 2. 06 5 2. 70 4 1. 51 6 1. 93 0 2. 85 1 3. 36 6 2. 18 0 1. 87 0 2. 90 1 3. 79 4 3. 61 4 3. 13 3 3. 13 0 2. 38 1 3. 14 2 2. 37 5 3. 38 3 2. 38 0 1. 01. This is based on the assumption that the number of hours spent on studying is the determinant of the GPA obtained by a student. This leads to the proposition that age is the independent variable and money spent on an automobile is the dependent variable. A total of 80 ordered pairs of age and money spent on an automobile are available in the dataset. The following is the scatter plot obtained for the data: Even a rough glance at the scatter plot will tell a non-statistician that there is a no linear relationship or causative association between the two variables. However, for the purpose of our study, we will complete the steps necessary to form a conclusion. Using the CORREL function in Excel, the value for the correlation co-efficient was: Analysis of the dataset using linear regression model led to following regression equation: Based on the values of the gradient and slope in the equation above and the correlation coefficient, one can easily conclude that the dataset seems to reflect upon the fact that there is a vague causative relationship between the number of hours spent studying by a student and their GPA. However, it is important to test this hypothesis and make a conclusion on the basis of statistical techniques. Hypothesis Testing On the basis of the above obtained difference in the calculated and tabulated statistics, we can conclude that there is a positive relationship between the number of hours spent studying by a student and their GPA. Though weak it can be predicted by the following equation: Findings It was found from statistical testing that the calculated statistics (from the dataset) lay outside the region of acceptance. This forced us to reject the hypothesis that there is absolutely no relationship between the two variables. Though weak (in terms of the gradients), the relationship exists, is incremental (positive) and suggests that the student not putting any hours of study will end up having a GPA of 2. 448 (put x=0). The graphical conclusions cannot be accepted as they, when accompanied by the trend line, seem themselves not enough to undermine a conclusion. The t-statistic testing was the best method to test the data and the conclusion is subtle, assuming that the data collected was free from errors and biases. Conclusion. The statistical regression testing applied on the dataset suggests that there is a weak positive causative relationship associated with the students’ study hours and GPA. It forces the conclusion drawn from this study to be: the higher the number of hours spent by students studying, the higher will their GPA be. Even though the incremental GPA due to an additional hour of study is not significantly high, we cannot conclude that there is no relationship between the two (although the graph seems to suggest this on visual perception). Taking the theory into account that slow and steady wins the race, we can assume the fact that students who spent in time studying generally have better GPAs than other students who either rely on their intelligence to get them across or other weaker students who are careless about studying. The scope of this research was limited and the results therefore are limited for interpretation. A better research carried out across more schools and more students definitely would promise better results in future undertaken by any other researcher. But for the moment, we can conclude that there is a positive causative relationship between the number of hours studied and GPA for university students in the US. Works Cited Anand, V. (2007). A study of time management: The correlation between video game usage and academic performance markers . CyberPsychology Behavior, 10(4): 552-559. Babbie, E. (2004). The Practice of Social Research, 10th ed. Boston: Wadsworth, Thomson Learning Inc. Hill, L. (1991). Effort and Reward in College: A Replication of Some Puzzling Findings. † In James W. Neuliep (ed), Replication Research in the Social Science. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, pp. 139-56. Rau, W. Durand, A. (2000). The academic ethic and college grades: Does hard work help students to ‘make the grade’? Sociology of Education, 73:19-38. Rivkin, S. , Hanushek, E. Kain, J. (2005). Teachers, school, and academic achievement. Econometrica, 73(2), 417-458. Schuman, H. , Walsh, E. , Olson, C. Etheridge, B. (1985). Effort and reward: The assumption that college grades are affected by the quantity of study. Social Forces, 63:945-66. Stinebrickner, T. Stinebrickner, R. (2004). Time-use and college outcomes. Journal of Econometrics, 121(1-2), 243-269. Stinebrickner, T. Stinebrickner, R. (2007). The causal effect of studying on academic performance. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, No. 13341. Walpole, R. E. (2002). Introductory Statistics. Los Angeles: Kraft Publishers. Weiss, N. A. (1984). Introductory Statistics, 5th Edition. New York: CRC Press. Appendix Time Period What were you doing? 6:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 Noon 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM 12:00 MN 1:00 AM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 5:00 AM.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

insurance law Essay -- essays research papers

The Nature of Insurance came about to offset any loss that an individual or those engaged in business may suffer through the occurrence of some unforeseen event. To offset this loss the commercial world developed the contract of insurance. In return for a fee the individual, or the business enterprise, would be indemnified for the loss suffered on the occurrence of the event insured against. Contracts of insurance cover a wide field such as life assurance, personal accident public liability, damage to property and general liability insurance. A contract of insurance is a contract whereby one party, called the insurer, agrees in return for a payment called the premium to pay a sum of money to another, called the insured, on the occurrence of a certain event, or to indemnify the insured against the loss caused by the risk which is insured against. Policies of insurance are of two broad types: life assurance, which insures against an event that must happen, namely, death; and liability insurance, which insures against events that may happen. A contract of insurance may be in any form, such as by deed, in writing, or verbal. In practice such a contract is embodied in a written document called a policy, which expressly states all the terms of the contract. Three elements are essential to an insurance contract: (a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  consideration must pass to the Insurer. This usually takes the form of periodic payments, called premiums; (b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  there must be some degree of uncertainty as to whether the event insured against will happen, or if it is bound to happen, as to when it will happen (c)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  the event, if or when it happens, must be adverse to the interest of the insured. Insurance business in Ireland is carried on principally by registered friendly societies, which deal in life assurance and are governed by the Friendly Societies Acts 1909-1989. Both statutes attempt to provide some supervision by the state so as to safeguard the interest of policy holders. Insurance companies must hold a licence, maintain a bond with the High court and make annual returns. The usual procedure for a party seeking insurance is to first complete a proposal form and submit it to the insurers. Where the proposal form is rejected that is the end of the matter and there is no contract. The insurer is not ... ...Dodgem Insurance are therefore only required to pay Chandler at most  £150,000 even though the cost might be more. The policy taken out by Joey will in no way effect the policy Chandler has taking out with Dodgem Insurance Ltd. The two Insurance companies will be required to each pay an appropriate percentage of the claim. Chandler is not entitled to any contribution from Central Perk Insurance as this policy was taking out by Dodgem Ltd and is a general contents policy. Dodgem Insurance will receive a relevant payout for any damage done to the general contents on their section of Castle View i.e. the ground floor. Even though Chandler neglected to mention that Castle View has a thatched roof, he is covered by Section 18 (3) of the Marine Insurance Act 1906 (b) i.e. Any circumstance that is known or presumed known to the insurer. The insurer is presumed to know matters or common notoriety or knowledge, and matters, which an insurer in the ordinary course of his business as such ought to know. Chandler may have presumed that because Dodgem Insurance Ltd are located in the same building that he is insuring that they will have taking the fact that it has a thatched roof into account.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Grade Comment Essay

Please comment below on your previous college grades as an index of your abilities. My weighted average grade for each semester has an overall uptrend during last three years. Moreover, I am academic competent in my studied field, with a weighted average score of 89 for the specialized courses related to economics and finance. Additionally, the scores for all three econometrics courses are higher than 93, which shows evidence for my good quantitative skills and software operation skills. However, I performed relatively bad in several mathematics courses, partly because I were not accustomed to the new teaching and test methods when I just entered college. The weighted average scores for last six semesters are 85.5, 82.5, 88.7, 89.3, 90.0, 86.4 (integrated the third term to the first term of the following academic year). My first year scores are relatively low because I had to adapt to the totally different environment in that time, the first time to move away from my parents and to be accustomed to distinct teaching and test systems. Therefore, three mathematic courses, including Advanced Mathematics 1&2 and Linear Algebra, only earned scores about 70 to 84 in the first two semesters. However, I don’t think the low score represents my poor proficiency in mathematics. In the econometric classes, a course requires integrated understanding in advanced mathematics, linear algebra and statistics knowledge, I earned scores higher than 93. For all 20 specialized courses related to economics and finance, the weighted average score is 89, and only two of them are lower than 87. In conclusion, after one year of adaption, my grades of each semester have an upward trend, and I have showed good academic, quantitative skills in my learning experience.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nursing-Sensitive Indicators Essay

According to the American Nurses Association, nursing-sensitive indicators â€Å"reflect the structure, process and outcomes of nursing care.† (â€Å"Nursing Sensitive Indicators,† 2015) Understanding the indicators is an important piece of nursing, not only to assist the patient, but the patients loved ones as well, to ensure quality patient care. In this particular case, had the nurse understood the reasoning and data behind the Pressure Ulcer Rate and Restraint indicators, and communicated the necessity to report any pertinent findings the CNA may discover in the nurse’s absence, the CNA would not have dismissed the reddened area over the patient’s lower spine and would have immediately informed the nurse of the finding. Upon returning the patient to bed, the CNA would have also known not to place the patient back in bed on his back and re-apply the restraints. Instead, would have had the patient lay to one side and stressed the importance, to the patie nt and family member, of frequent turning, to reduce the chance of pressure ulcers. Quality patient care can only be achieved with teamwork and open communication. The discussion of pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients has become an increasing issue with more attention to the prevention of such since the early to mid-1990’s. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) state that stage III and stage IV pressure ulcers occurring during admission are considered preventable (Zaratkiewicz et al., 2010). While the gentleman in our case scenario represented what would be considered a stage 1 pressure ulcer, with proper quality care and training, even this stage 1 ulcer could have been prevented or at the very least, the progression halted. If the nurse had a better understanding of nursing-sensitive indicators, or the theory behind them, then maybe he or she would take more ownership in the prevention of pressure ulcers. Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Washington, conducted their own study regarding pressure ulcers and ways to prevent them. Their study was  intended to track, prevent and improve skin-related outcomes (Zaratkiewicz et al., 2010). While the results of the study showed a large increase in minor pressure ulcers, it showed a huge decrease in stage III and IV ulcers, the most costly and reportable types. Education and staff reinforcement lead to early detection and improvement in practice, ultimately faring better for the patient. Maybe if the hospital in the scenario had communicated such important figures or conducted their own study, the nursing staff and even the CNA’s would have a better understanding and ultimately provide better care. As far as ethical issues such as the request for a kosher meal that ended up not being kosher, we as nurses accept and agree to abide by a code of ethics. If I were the nursing shift supervisor and this case scenario occurred, there are a few different things I would use to discuss with my staff. First of all, I would remind all nursing staff of the code of ethics we all accepted the day we graduated nursing school and offer copies to each of them to serve as a reminder. Specifically, for this scenario, I would point out; â€Å"Human Dignity is respect for the inherent worth and uniqueness of individuals and populations. In professional practice, concern for human dignity is reflected when the nurse values and respects all patients and colleagues† (â€Å"The Essentials,† 2008). While I am not Jewish and not receiving a kosher meal does not seem to be a big deal to me, I know that it is important to my patient and an acceptable request, so it should be a priority for me. Secondly, I would start a monthly ethical education series, choosing a different topic to better educate my staff. In the world we live in today, there are so many cultures and a necessity to be more aware of ethical treatment, that the staff should not be expected to â€Å"just know it.† This knowledge comes from on-going education and it is up to the hospital and staff to make sure they are kept as up to date as possible regarding ethical treatment of patients. I would also involve my Board of Ethics or ethical expert from the hospital to intervene and sincerely apologize to the family. While we won’t be able to fix the meal that was already eaten, we can ensure the patient and family that steps have been taken to support special requests of patients from now on. References Nursing-Sensitive Indicators. (2015). Retrieved from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Hawthornes Women

Hawthorne’s Women What does Nathaniel Hawthorne think of women’s rights? Many critics believe he is attacking feminism. Others think he is defending women. Hawthorne was happily married to Sophia Peabody. â€Å"His love for his young wife might prove the stronger of the two† (Hawthorne, 45). He did not spend much of his time with his mother because after his father died, she locked herself in her room and very seldom came out. These two experiences could have had an affect on his view of women. So is Hawthorne attacking or defending mid-nineteenth century feminism? In Hawthorne’s short stories he seems to be obsessed with women’s beauty. In Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil† he states, â€Å"Spruce bachelors looked sidelong at the pretty maidens, and fancied that the Sabbath sunshine made them prettier than on weekdays† (10). Some critics think he is lifting up women and there beauty. However, some believe he is attacking women perfectionism. â€Å"In Hawthorne’s analysis the idealization of women stems from a vision as them as hideous and unnatural; it is a form of compensation, and an attempt to bring them up to the level of nature† (Fetterley, 167). Hawthorne was married to a very beautiful woman and may be referring to her beauty. Some critics think he is trying to secretly eliminate all females. Fetterley states, â€Å"There are compensations, however, for as an adult he has access to a complex set of mechanisms for accomplishing the Great American dream of eliminating women† (164). However, it could be looked at as if he is trying to perfect all females. â€Å"What repels Aylmer is Georgiana's sexuality; what is imperfect in her is the fact that she is female; and what perfection means is elimination† (Fetterley, 166). Aylmer seems to be trying to kill his wife but do it in a way so it makes it look like he is trying to help her. â€Å"It is a testimony at once to Hawthorne’s ambivalence,... Free Essays on Hawthorne's Women Free Essays on Hawthorne's Women Hawthorne’s Women What does Nathaniel Hawthorne think of women’s rights? Many critics believe he is attacking feminism. Others think he is defending women. Hawthorne was happily married to Sophia Peabody. â€Å"His love for his young wife might prove the stronger of the two† (Hawthorne, 45). He did not spend much of his time with his mother because after his father died, she locked herself in her room and very seldom came out. These two experiences could have had an affect on his view of women. So is Hawthorne attacking or defending mid-nineteenth century feminism? In Hawthorne’s short stories he seems to be obsessed with women’s beauty. In Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil† he states, â€Å"Spruce bachelors looked sidelong at the pretty maidens, and fancied that the Sabbath sunshine made them prettier than on weekdays† (10). Some critics think he is lifting up women and there beauty. However, some believe he is attacking women perfectionism. â€Å"In Hawthorne’s analysis the idealization of women stems from a vision as them as hideous and unnatural; it is a form of compensation, and an attempt to bring them up to the level of nature† (Fetterley, 167). Hawthorne was married to a very beautiful woman and may be referring to her beauty. Some critics think he is trying to secretly eliminate all females. Fetterley states, â€Å"There are compensations, however, for as an adult he has access to a complex set of mechanisms for accomplishing the Great American dream of eliminating women† (164). However, it could be looked at as if he is trying to perfect all females. â€Å"What repels Aylmer is Georgiana's sexuality; what is imperfect in her is the fact that she is female; and what perfection means is elimination† (Fetterley, 166). Aylmer seems to be trying to kill his wife but do it in a way so it makes it look like he is trying to help her. â€Å"It is a testimony at once to Hawthorne’s ambivalence,...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Andrew Carnegie and the Rise of Big Business essays

Andrew Carnegie and the Rise of Big Business essays This biography of Andrew Carnegie starts off focusing on his family's immigration to the United States of America and their reason for doing so. He was born in Scotland in 1835 and came to the United States in 1848. It then talks about his apprenticeships as both a manager and as a financier before going on to become one of the richest and most powerful businessmen in history. In 1865, established his own business enterprises and eventually organized the Carnegie Steel Company in Pittsburgh. The social and economic changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution allowed Carnegie to amass his fortune in the United States. He was ruthless in his cost-cutting endeavors, and he was willing to experiment with his new business methods that would increase production and profits. At age 65, he sold his company to J.P. Morgan for $480 million. At the beginning of the twentieth century, this Scotland native was one of the richest men in the world. He then devoted his life to philant hropic activities and writing. He gave away his fortune through numerous personal gifts and the establishment of various trusts. By the time he passed away in 1919, he had given away more than 350 million. Some of the book's primary sources include the Carnegie papers in the Library of Congress, Joseph Frazier Wall's book Andrew Carnegie, Burton J. Hendrick's The Life of Andrew Carnegie, and James Howard Bridge's book The Inside History of the Carnegie Steel Company. These three books gave the author good material to work with because they each have some insight either first hand or through Carnegie's friends. The book's secondary sources include F.C. Mather's book Public Order in the Age of the Chartists, George Rogers Taylor's book The Transportation Revolution 1815-1860, and Edward C. Kirkland's Industry Comes of Age. These books give the author some insight of the economy during Carnegie's era and the history of m ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Czar Nicholas II, Last Czar of Russia

Biography of Czar Nicholas II, Last Czar of Russia Nicholas II (May 18, 1868–July 17, 1918) was the last czar of Russia. He ascended to the throne following the death of his father in 1894. Woefully unprepared for such a role, Nicholas II has been characterized as a naà ¯ve and incompetent leader. At a time of enormous social and political change in his country, Nicholas held fast to outdated, autocratic policies and opposed reform of any kind. His inept handling of military matters and insensitivity to the needs of his people helped to fuel the 1917 Russian Revolution. Forced to abdicate in 1917, Nicholas went into exile with his wife and five children. After living more than a year under house arrest, the entire family was brutally executed in July 1918 by Bolshevik soldiers. Nicholas II was the last of the Romanov Dynasty, which had ruled Russia for 300 years. Fast Facts: Czar Nicholas II Known For: Last Czar of Russia; executed during the Russian revolutionBorn: May 18, 1868 in Tsarskoye Selo, RussiaParents: Alexander III and Marie FeodorovnaDied: July 17, 1918 in Ekaterinburg, RussiaEducation: TutoredSpouse: Princess Alix of Hesse (Empress Alexandra Feodorovna)Children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and AlexeiNotable Quote: â€Å"I am not yet ready to be Tsar. I know nothing of the business of ruling.† Early Life Nicholas II, born in Tsarskoye Selo near St. Petersburg, Russia, was the first child of Alexander III and Marie Feodorovna (formerly Princess Dagmar of Denmark). Between 1869 and 1882, the royal couple had three more sons and two daughters. The second child, a boy, died in infancy. Nicholas and his siblings were closely related to other European royalty, including first cousins George V (future king of England) and Wilhelm II, the last Kaiser (Emperor) of Germany. In 1881, Nicholas’ father, Alexander III, became czar (emperor) of Russia after his father, Alexander II, was killed by an assassins bomb. Nicholas, at age 12, witnessed his grandfathers death when the czar, horribly maimed, was carried back to the palace. Upon his fathers ascension to the throne, Nicholas became the Tsarevich (heir-apparent to the throne). Despite being raised in a palace, Nicholas and his siblings grew up in a strict, austere environment and enjoyed few luxuries. Alexander III lived simply, dressing as a peasant while at home and making his own coffee each morning. The children slept on cots and washed in cold water. Overall, however, Nicholas experienced a happy upbringing in the Romanov household. The Young Tsarevich Educated by several tutors, Nicholas studied languages, history, and the sciences, as well as horsemanship, shooting, and even dancing. What he was not schooled in, unfortunately for Russia, was how to function as a monarch. Czar Alexander III, healthy and robust at 6-foot-4, planned to rule for decades. He assumed there would be plenty of time to instruct Nicholas in how to run the empire. At the age of 19, Nicholas joined an exclusive regiment of the Russian Army and also served in the horse artillery. The Tsarevich didnt participate in any serious military activities; these commissions were more akin to a finishing school for the upper class. Nicholas enjoyed his carefree lifestyle, taking advantage of the freedom to attend parties and balls with few responsibilities to weigh him down. Prompted by his parents, Nicholas embarked upon a royal grand tour, accompanied by his brother George. Departing Russia in 1890 and traveling by steamship and train, they visited the Middle East, India, China, and Japan. While visiting Japan, Nicholas survived an assassination attempt in 1891 when a Japanese man lunged at him, swinging a sword at his head. The attackers motive was never determined. Although Nicholas suffered only a minor head wound, his concerned father ordered Nicholas home immediately. Betrothal to Alix and the Death of the Czar Nicholas first met Princess Alix of Hesse (daughter of a German Duke and Queen Victorias second daughter Alice) in 1884 at the wedding of his uncle to Alixs sister Elizabeth. Nicholas was 16 and Alix 12. They met again on several occasions over the years, and Nicholas was adequately impressed to write in his diary that he dreamed of one day marrying Alix. When Nicholas was in his mid-20s and expected to seek a suitable wife from the nobility, he ended his relationship with a Russian ballerina and began to pursue Alix. Nicholas proposed to Alix in April 1894, but she didnt immediately accept. A devout Lutheran, Alix was hesitant at first because marriage to a future czar meant that she must convert to the Russian Orthodox religion. After a day of contemplation and discussion with family members, she agreed to marry Nicholas. The couple soon became quite smitten with one another and looked forward to getting married the following year. Theirs would be a marriage of genuine love. Unfortunately, things changed drastically for the happy couple within months of their engagement. In September 1894, Czar Alexander became gravely ill with nephritis (an inflammation of the kidney). Despite a steady stream of doctors and priests who visited him, the czar died on November 1, 1894, at the age of 49. Twenty-six-year-old Nicholas reeled from both the grief of losing his father and the tremendous responsibility now placed upon his shoulders. Czar Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Nicholas, as the new czar, struggled to keep up with his duties, which began with planning his fathers funeral. Inexperienced in planning such a grand-scale event, Nicholas received criticism on many fronts for the numerous details that were left undone. On November 26, 1894, just 25 days after Czar Alexander’s death, the period of mourning was interrupted for a day so that Nicholas and Alix could marry. Princess Alix of Hesse, newly converted to Russian Orthodoxy, became Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. The couple returned immediately to the palace after the ceremony as a wedding reception was deemed inappropriate during the mourning period. The royal couple moved into the Alexander Palace at Tsarskoye Selo just outside of St. Petersburg and within a few months learned they were expecting their first child. (Daughter Olga was born in November 1895. She was followed by three more daughters: Tatiana, Marie, and Anastasia. The long-anticipated male heir, Alexei, was finally born in 1904.) In May 1896, a year and a half after Czar Alexander died, Czar Nicholas’ long-awaited, lavish coronation ceremony finally took place. Unfortunately, a horrific incident occurred during one of the many public celebrations held in Nicholas’ honor. A stampede on the Khodynka Field in Moscow resulted in more than 1,400 deaths. Incredibly, Nicholas did not cancel the ensuing coronation balls and parties. The Russian people were appalled at Nicholas handling of the incident, which made it appear that he cared little about his people. By any account, Nicholas II had not begun his reign on a favorable note. The Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) Nicholas, like many past and future Russian leaders, wanted to expand his country’s territory. Looking to the Far East, Nicholas saw potential in Port Arthur, a strategic warm-water port on the Pacific Ocean in southern Manchuria (northeastern China). By 1903, Russia’s occupation of Port Arthur angered the Japanese, who had themselves recently been pressured to relinquish the area. When Russia built its Trans-Siberian Railroad through part of Manchuria, the Japanese were further provoked. Twice, Japan sent diplomats to Russia to negotiate the dispute; however, each time, they were sent home without being granted an audience with the czar, who viewed them with contempt. By February 1904, the Japanese had run out of patience. A Japanese fleet launched a surprise attack on Russian warships at Port Arthur, sinking two of the ships and blockading the harbor. Well-prepared Japanese troops also swarmed the Russian infantry at various points on land. Outnumbered and outmaneuvered, the Russians suffered one humiliating defeat after another, both on land and sea. Nicholas, who had never thought the Japanese would start a war, was forced to surrender to Japan in September 1905. Nicholas II became the first czar to lose a war to an Asian nation. An estimated 80,000 Russian soldiers lost their lives in a war that had revealed the czars utter ineptitude at diplomacy and military affairs. Bloody Sunday and the Revolution of 1905 By the winter of 1904, dissatisfaction among the working class in Russia had escalated to the point that numerous strikes were staged in St. Petersburg. Workers, who had hoped for a better future living in cities, instead faced long hours, poor wages, and inadequate housing. Many families went hungry on a regular basis, and housing shortages were so severe that some laborers slept in shifts, sharing a bed with several others. On January 22, 1905, tens of thousands of workers came together for a peaceful march to the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. Organized by radical priest Georgy Gapon, protesters were forbidden to bring weapons; instead, they carried religious icons and pictures of the royal family. Participants also brought with them a petition to present to the czar, stating their list of grievances and seeking his help. Although the czar was not at the palace to receive the petition (he had been advised to stay away), thousands of soldiers awaited the crowd. Having been informed incorrectly that the protesters were there to harm the czar and destroy the palace, the soldiers fired into the mob, killing and wounding hundreds. The czar himself did not order the shootings, but he was held responsible. The unprovoked massacre, called Bloody Sunday, became the catalyst for further strikes and uprisings against the government, called the 1905 Russian Revolution. After a massive general strike had brought much of Russia to a halt in October 1905, Nicholas was finally forced to respond to the protests. On October 30, 1905, the czar reluctantly issued the October Manifesto, which created a constitutional monarchy and an elected legislature, known as the Duma. Ever the autocrat, Nicholas made sure the powers of the Duma remained limited- nearly half of the budget was exempted from their approval, and they were not allowed to participate in foreign policy decisions. The czar also retained full veto power. The creation of the Duma appeased the Russian people in the short run, but Nicholas’ further blunders hardened his people’s hearts against him. Alexandra and Rasputin The royal family rejoiced at the birth of a male heir in 1904. Young Alexei seemed healthy at birth, but within a week, as the infant bled uncontrollably from his navel, it was clear that something was seriously wrong. Doctors diagnosed him with hemophilia, an incurable, inherited disease in which the blood will not clot properly. Even a seemingly minor injury could cause the young Tsesarevich  to bleed to death. His horrified parents kept the diagnosis a secret from all but the most immediate family. Empress Alexandra, fiercely protective of her son- and his secret- isolated herself from the outside world. Desperate to find help for her son, she sought the help of various medical quacks and holy men. One such holy man, self-proclaimed faith healer Grigori Rasputin, first met the royal couple in 1905 and became a close, trusted advisor to the empress. Although rough in manner and unkempt in appearance, Rasputin gained the Empress trust with his uncanny ability to stop Alexeis bleeding during even the severest of episodes, merely by sitting and praying with him. Gradually, Rasputin became the empress closest confidante, able to exert influence upon her regarding affairs of state. Alexandra, in turn, influenced her husband on matters of great importance based upon Rasputins advice. The Empress relationship with Rasputin was baffling to outsiders, who had no idea that the Tsarevich  was ill. World War I and the Murder of Rasputin The June 1914  assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand  in Sarajevo set off a chain of events that culminated in  World War I. The fact that the assassin was a Serbian national led Austria to declare war on Serbia. Nicholas, with the backing of France, felt compelled to protect Serbia, a fellow Slavic nation. His mobilization of the Russian army in August 1914 helped to propel the conflict into a full-scale war, drawing Germany into the fray as an ally of Austria-Hungary. In 1915, Nicholas made the calamitous decision to take personal command of the Russian army. Under the czars poor military leadership, the ill-prepared Russian army was no match for the German infantry. While Nicholas was away at war, he deputized his wife to oversee affairs of the empire. To the Russian people, however, this was a terrible decision. They viewed the empress as untrustworthy since she had come from Germany, Russia’s enemy in  World War I.  Adding to their mistrust, the Empress relied heavily on the despised Rasputin to help her make policy decisions. Many government officials and family members saw the disastrous effect Rasputin was having on Alexandra and the country and believed he must be removed. Unfortunately, both Alexandra and Nicholas ignored their pleas to dismiss Rasputin. With their grievances unheard, a group of angry conservatives soon took matters into their hands. In a murder scenario that has become legendary, several members of the aristocracy- including a prince, an army officer, and a cousin of Nicholas- succeeded, with some difficulty, in  killing Rasputin  in December 1916. Rasputin survived poisoning and multiple gunshot wounds, then finally succumbed after being bound and thrown into a river. The killers were quickly  identified but were not punished. Many looked upon them as heroes. Unfortunately, the murder of Rasputin was not enough to stem the tide of discontent. The End of a Dynasty The people of Russia had become increasingly angry with the governments indifference to their suffering. Wages had plummeted, inflation had risen, public services had all but ceased, and millions were being killed in a war they didn’t want. In March 1917, 200,000 protesters converged in the capital city of Petrograd (formerly St. Petersburg) to protest the czars policies. Nicholas ordered the army to subdue the crowd. By this point, however, most of the soldiers were sympathetic to the protesters demands and thus just fired shots into the air or joined the ranks of the protesters. There were still a few commanders loyal to the czar who forced their soldiers to shoot into the crowd, killing several people. Not to be deterred, the protesters gained control of the city within days, during what came to be known as the February/March  1917 Russian Revolution. With Petrograd in the hands of revolutionaries, Nicholas had no choice but to abdicate the throne. Believing that he could somehow still save the dynasty, Nicholas II signed the abdication statement on March 15, 1917, making his brother, Grand Duke Mikhail, the new czar. The grand duke wisely declined the title, bringing the 304-year-old Romanov dynasty to an end. The provisional government allowed the royal family to stay in the palace at Tsarskoye Selo under guard while officials debated their fate. Exile of the Romanovs When the provisional government became increasingly threatened by the Bolsheviks in the summer of 1917, worried government officials decided to secretly move Nicholas and his family to safety in western Siberia. However, when the provisional government was overthrown by the Bolsheviks (led by  Vladimir Lenin) during the October/November 1917 Russian Revolution, Nicholas and his family came under the control  of the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks relocated the Romanovs to  Ekaterinburg  in the Ural Mountains in April 1918, ostensibly to await a public trial. Many opposed the Bolsheviks being in power; thus, a civil war erupted between the Communist Reds and their opponents, the anti-Communist Whites. These two groups fought for control of the country, as well as for custody of the Romanovs. When the White Army began to gain ground in its battle with the Bolsheviks and headed toward  Ekaterinburg  to rescue the imperial family, the Bolsheviks made sure that rescue would never take place. Death Nicholas, his wife, and his five children were all awakened at 2 a.m. on July 17,  1918, and told to prepare for departure. They were gathered into a small room, where  Bolshevik soldiers fired upon them. Nicholas and his wife were killed outright, but the others were not so fortunate. Soldiers used bayonets to carry out the remainder of the executions. The corpses were buried at two separate sites and were burned and covered with acid to prevent them from being identified. In 1991, the remains of nine bodies were excavated at  Ekaterinburg. Subsequent DNA testing confirmed them to be those of Nicholas, Alexandra, three of their daughters, and four of their servants. The second grave, containing the remains of Alexei and his sister Marie, was not discovered until 2007. The Romanov familys remains were reburied at the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the traditional burial place of the Romanovs. Legacy It might be said that the Russian Revolution and the events that followed were, in a sense, the legacy of Nicholas II- a leader who was unable to respond to changing times by considering the needs of his people. Over the years, research into the final fate of the Romanov family has revealed a mystery: while the bodies of the Czar, Czarina, and several children were found, two bodies- those of the Alexei, heir to the throne, and Grand Duchess Anastasia- were missing. This suggests that perhaps, somehow, two of the Romanov children actually survived. Sources Figes, Orlando. From Tsar to U.S.S.R.: Russias Chaotic Year of Revolution. October 25, 2017. â€Å"Historic Figures: Nicholas II (1868-1918).† BBC News.ï » ¿Keep, John L.H. â€Å"Nicholas II.† Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 28 Jan. 2019.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Assignment Ash plc produces components which it sells to the aircraft Essay

Assignment Ash plc produces components which it sells to the aircraft industry. Mr. Ash, the managing d - Essay Example 83). For you to be able to compete in the marketplace, management must change to the cost and profit management and the reporting approaches. Activity Based Costing is known as a management accounting approach that is able to allocate overhead (direct and indirect costs ) to cost objects (services and products) so that it can help management comprehend and understand critical business information. ABC is able to allocate direct and indirect costs to services and products based on the level of activities that have been used to create and deliver those products and services. Various activities such as design , purchasing, production, sales, customer service and marketing are utilized by different services and products (cost objects) with regard to their complexity and business requirements. If compared to traditional accounting, Activity Based costing is a decision making tool that provides more accurate results of cost and profit information thus allowing management to understand the cost and profit drivers so that you can improve your business. What the method is intended to do, a comparison with the traditional method The objective of the ABC costing system is to offer a better understanding of the overhead/ indirect cost and profitability. ... For instance,the cost of each department and activity is analyzed on the basis of the company’s business model . This ranges from, number of hours hat the employees work, the number of machines and the number of shifts. Both product and services companies are able to use the ABC costing system to assign the cost of activities to the products and the services that they offer to measure profitability. Activity Based Costing (ABC) emerge as a better way of handling cost and profit in the 1980s as a result of the lack of relevance in the traditional costing accounting methods. This method of accounting was established in the early 1990s. In those days, the industries were labor intensive and there was no automation. This meant that the overhead cost of the companies was quite low and product variety was small as compared to what they obtain these days after he started using ABC. DRURY (2007) claims that after most of the companies implemented Activity Based Costing they came to re alize that a lot of information was being overlooked and that is why their production was quite low (pg. 57). In traditional accounting, it is assumed that the cost objects are supposed to consume resources but, in ABC costing, the cost objects are supposed to consume the activities. However, traditional cost accounting more often than not utilizes volume related allocation whereas ABC used the drivers at various levels of production. The traditional accounting method was more of structure oriented but ABC is more of a process oriented. In the diagram below, it is evident that ABC brings comprehensive information from the activities up to the assessment cost and manage capacity at different levels but the traditional costing

Marketing Proposal - LA Fitness Gym Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Proposal - LA Fitness Gym - Essay Example This is the reason why we have proposed a business idea of introducing a chain of restaurants in LA fitness gyms across the United Kingdom. The name which has been proposed for the restaurant is LA Cuisine, and the restaurant would provide healthy food that contains would supplement required for a healthy diet. Moreover, a variety of meals would be available on the menu to suit all type of workouts and individuals. The four main offerings which will be made are mentioned below. 1. Protein booster - ideal for bodybuilders 2. Slim fast meal –ideal for people who want to lose weight 3. High crab meal - ideal for people who do endurance training 4. Low meals - ideal for people who want to acquire a lean body and muscle definition Moreover, advice will also be provided to the customers in order to counsel them with regards to the best meal that would suit their workout. This would enable them to attain the workout results quickly and breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served. SWOT Analysis With regards to the business, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that have been identified are mentioned below. Strengths Locations of LA Fitness Gym There are eighty gyms all over the UK and has multiple health club locations.  Therefore, they will not hesitate in availing services offered by LA Cuisine. Market Research LA fitness gyms already know their customers well and since LA Cuisine is offering food for the people who have joined the gym, they will not have to spend huge amounts of money in conducting market research with regards to the customers (Meyerson & Scarborough 2007, pp. 55). Lower Advertising Costs Since customers are already aware of the LA fitness gym, LA Cuisine will not have to spend heavy amounts on advertising. Weakness Association with LA Fitness Gym Since LA Cuisine would be associated with LA fitness gym, anything bad that happens will also have a negative impact on the goodwill and the reputation of LA Cuisine. Opportunities Increase Locations LA Cuisine can open a restaurant in locations other than those at LA fitness gyms as well. In this way, they can expand their pool of customers and increase market share (Dunbar & McDonald 2004, pp. 200). Threats Competition The United Kingdom covers quite a large area and so the population is also large. Therefore, there are many people who go to gyms for fitness purposes because of which there are lots of gyms in the UK that gives the people a variety of choice due to which the competition for LA Cuisine is intense. Credit Crunch Lack of availability of funds or loans results in credit crunch due to which LA Cuisine can get adversely affected.  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communication Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Integrated Marketing Communication - Case Study Example The present research has identified that along with the internal marketing, the integrated marketing communication is also one of the important concepts because it is only with the help of the integrated marketing communication that how and why the product becomes more important and how the customers are influenced to buy that particular product. Integrated marketing communication is the most important process and with the help of which any brand can gain success and can gain popularity too. Gaining success is the most important for any company. According to the American Marketing Association, Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is termed as a planning process which is designed to assure that all the brands which are created are according to the needs and demands of customers. (IMC) integrated marketing communication is termed as a holistic approach to the marketing level. Along with this, the concept of integrated marketing communication also consists of the offline and online marketing channels. Online marketing channels basically consist of different kinds of e-marketing programs or campaigns, from the different level of search engine optimization, different kinds of the email banners and also the pay per click programs. Whereas on the other hand, the offline marketing channels are one of the main examples of the traditional prints like newspaper or magazines. These above-mentioned marketing channels are the main source for any kind of company in order to provide such working environment where people can work easily and can generate better results. Marketing channels basically provide the target through which any company can identify its customers in order to achieve their targeted goals. It is all because of the marketing channels that how the company is working and how their products are becoming more popular among people. When a company launches any product, only half of the work is done and almost half is left. The work which is left is the main and one of the most important works that are how to make this produced product popular among people. People can only know about any product with the help of marketing. When the marketing is done for that product only then everyone will know that what exactly the product is and what it actually means. There are several kinds of strategies which are related to (IMC) integrated marketing communication in order to develop into a primary and the most important tool for the market: - Media advertising towards the multiple kinds of communication. - Mass media towards the most specialized media also known as niche media. - Manufacturer dominating market towards a retailer dominating a market. - General kind of the focus advertisings towards the data based marketing. All the above-mentioned strategies are very much important in the area of integrated marketing communication as it plays an important role because if there are no strategies company can gain no profit and therefore in the result, i t will suffer loss. Nowadays integrated marketing communication has become a wide perspective which is now also done via internet. Now everything can be done via internet and via networking.

Hills like White Elephants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hills like White Elephants - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that most common aspect of Ernest Hemingway’s writings is extraordinary complexity. He presented the themes in a very complex manner, for instance, we can notice the underlying story â€Å"Hills like White Elephants†. In the story, several themes are used such as stressful romance, undesired pregnancy, communication collapse between the couple that further became a cause of the pregnancy abortion (tragedy) and symbolism (hills, elephants etc.). Hemingway utilized numerous literary devices to communicate the themes of the story but here I am going to analyze three out of those: imagery, dialogue and narrative style used in the story. The simplest form of imagery used in the underlying story. Simplicity is reported because Hemingway did not use the complete form of imagery to elaborate the stylistic themes of the story; rather he drew the beauty by incomplete imagery. Hemingway illustrated that unsaid is more influential compared to what is expressed especially in the fiction writing. The writer has described that the hills were white but he did not express the reason for this color: whether the hills are white because of winter season snow or the rocks were naturally white? He left the imagination over the readers accordingly. This implies to the implicit complexity in the story. In the same way, it can be derived that hills are denoted as the curved in a woman that is., breasts and swelled belly of the woman because of pregnancy.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Arguments about the critical period hypothesis Annotated Bibliography

Arguments about the critical period hypothesis - Annotated Bibliography Example The researchers were able to identify that this generalization is not completely true and that there are other factors involved. This research will be used to provide support for the opponent side of the argument that puberty and the age before puberty is the critical period to gain native like proficiency in learning a second language. In this research article the author provides a commentary and definition of an individual’s ability to speak a language in the same way a native user of that language speaks that language. In this article the author even states that the critical period hypothesis restricts the way researchers look at non-natives ability to learn a second language. This article will be used to define the concepts of nativelikeness as well as non-nativelikeness in relation to the usage of these concepts in the critical period argument. This research was conducted on Spanish subjects in order to identify the constraints they experience while gaining nativelike pro ficiency in learning a second language. The researchers were able to identify that there is a negative correlation between an individual’s ability to learn a second language with nativelike proficiency and age even once the critical period has elapsed. This study will be used to argue against the critical period hypothesis and it will be used to support the point that non-natives fail to develop nativelike proficiency in using a language before as well as after the critical period.

Good or Bad Performance for Cities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Good or Bad Performance for Cities - Essay Example In several studies, graffiti was found to have the following advantages to the cities: (1) it revitalizes the city through â€Å"controlled graffiti†; (2) it is a form of community beautification by spicing up urban blight and (3) it educates the public through disseminating relevant social issues. On the other hand, graffiti has still been viewed as a form of vandalism and a crime in many societies. The City of Calgary, for example, penalizes those caught doing graffiti with a $5000 fine. It is viewed as a waste of time and resources as the city would eventually resort to cleaning and removing them. The costs of removing them are tremendous and take a financial toll to the government. The Journal Live news of graffiti report â€Å"unwelcome art attacks cost  £1m a year MORE than a million pounds is spent every year cleaning up graffiti in the North-East". In addition, prison sentences were handed to members of a gang who work on making graffiti and were found to have destr oyed â€Å"hundreds of buildings and railway bridges in their distinctive tags over eight months, giving transport operators a huge clean-up bill amounting to  £140,000†. The actions of graffiti artists are evaluated according to their specific objectives or purpose for doing their art form. Most governments have recognized the evolution of graffiti art as continuously transforming. Stowers (1997) averred that â€Å"whether or not all of the public agrees that graffiti art is good, bad, or extremely valuable is a different discussion.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Arguments about the critical period hypothesis Annotated Bibliography

Arguments about the critical period hypothesis - Annotated Bibliography Example The researchers were able to identify that this generalization is not completely true and that there are other factors involved. This research will be used to provide support for the opponent side of the argument that puberty and the age before puberty is the critical period to gain native like proficiency in learning a second language. In this research article the author provides a commentary and definition of an individual’s ability to speak a language in the same way a native user of that language speaks that language. In this article the author even states that the critical period hypothesis restricts the way researchers look at non-natives ability to learn a second language. This article will be used to define the concepts of nativelikeness as well as non-nativelikeness in relation to the usage of these concepts in the critical period argument. This research was conducted on Spanish subjects in order to identify the constraints they experience while gaining nativelike pro ficiency in learning a second language. The researchers were able to identify that there is a negative correlation between an individual’s ability to learn a second language with nativelike proficiency and age even once the critical period has elapsed. This study will be used to argue against the critical period hypothesis and it will be used to support the point that non-natives fail to develop nativelike proficiency in using a language before as well as after the critical period.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Are Entrepreneurs More Happy than Others Entrepreneurship and Research Proposal

Are Entrepreneurs More Happy than Others Entrepreneurship and Happiness - Research Proposal Example m and they remain inspired despite the fact that they can make less income than people who are employed, additionally, they work more hours, and deal with a lot of stress compared to employed people (Baron and Shane, 2007). Secondly, it is important to focus on this particular topic in order to establish if indeed people who are employed are not as equally as happy as entrepreneurs are and if so, establish the source of the unhappiness despite the fact that they face fewer challenges and they are certain about the future. According to the theory presented by Abrams (2012), happiness is interlinked with motivation and therefore a person who is motivated is equally happy but this argument present a research gap in the sense that motivation are derived from factors such as money or incentives, financial security, and conducive working environment that is stress free. Therefore, factors that create motivation are not equally the factors that create happiness since it is argued that entrepreneurs are usually happy but at times, they make much less than people who are employed. Consequently, it will be critical to identify how happiness is measured or factors that determine the level of happiness. According to Naude (2012), there has been a significant increase in the cases of suicide amongst European entrepreneurs mostly during the recent economic crisis that largely affected the region since there was an erosion of social protection because of the fiscal austerity measures that had been implemented by various governments. Such a case further question how happiness is measured since it is stated that entrepreneurs are naturally happier despite the fact that at times they make less, face more challenges and uncertainties. However, it is noted this case scenario that during crises entrepreneurs become unhappy to the extent of committing suicide while it had earlier been stated that entrepreneurs are not necessarily motivated by money and always prefer challenges posed

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tomorrow When the War Began Essay Example for Free

Tomorrow When the War Began Essay GamesEntertainmentLifestyleLog in Username Password Forgot your password? Stay logged in Or Connect Sign up Tomorrow When the War Began Wiki On the Wiki Wiki Activity Random page New Photos Community Contribute Share WatchlistRandom pageRecent changes Robyn Mathers Edit Comments0 42PAGES ON THIS WIKI Robyn Mathers Gender: Female Age: 17? at time of death Martial Status: Single Religious Beliefs: Christianity Status: Dead Added by Rachelrose411 Robyn is a religious girl with integrity. She died to save her friends near the end of the third book in the series. Robyn Mathers was a girl who was very true to her religious beliefs and was moral and kind. She followed rules and was well behaved. She did not want to kill anybody in the war but after a while accepted that it was the only way to survive, showing her bravery. Near the end of the third book, (The Third Day, The Frost), Major Harvey catches his prisoners (Ellie, Robyn, Fiona, Lee, Kevin and Homer) trying to run away from his prison. He holds a gun to Robyns head and tells the others to get down or he will shoot her. However, Robyn is holding a grenade under her shirt and blows herself and Major Harvey up to save her friends. Add category Showing 0 most recent 0 comments Anonymous User Log in? Advertisement See all photos See all photos ;gt; Recent Wiki Activity Kevin Holmes edited by Rachelrose411 6 days ago Corrie McKenzie edited by Rachelrose411 6 days ago Ellie Linton edited by A Wikia contributor Robyn Mathers edited by Rachelrose411 See more ;gt; Around Wikias networkRandom Wiki AboutCommunity CentralCareersAdvertiseAPIContact WikiaTerms of UsePrivacy Policy Content is available under CC-BY-SA. Did you miss our recent webinar on main pages? Watch a recording of it now. Movie TrailersFall TV [emailprotected]

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Napster :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Treble in the Music Industry Close to four months ago, when I heard the word ‘Napster’ I thought it was a new phrase for telling people they had nappy hair. I had no idea what it was, but yet I heard everyone around me talking about it, so I surfed on the internet and decided to check it out. I went ahead and downloaded it the program, not knowing four months from now Napster would have a tremendous influence and impact in the music industry, changing the way we view music forever.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, what is Napster? Napster is a program created by Shawn Fanning, an 18 year old ‘inarticulate’ teenager, who was frustrated trying to find good music on the internet ,and how so many of the pointers on the websites offering current music seem to only led to dead is a program enabling users to â€Å"transfer music files directly without going through a centralized file server or middle man.† (Greenfield 1), Napster is program that freed a vast library of copyrighted music, turning the music industry on its head.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For obvious reasons, recording artists as well as record companies are in opposition to napster, which are the loss in profit and sales and piracy issues that deal with copyright regulation and code. As Greenfield states, â€Å" Napster has forced the record companies to rethink their business models and record company lawers and recording artists to defend their intellectual property.† Changing the way the record companies have been operating their business for centuries by an 18 year old ‘inarticulate’ teenager is not an easy pill to swallow the record companies take much offense to this partially because Napster is the fastest growing site in history, passing the 25 million mark in less than a year of operation. ( Greenfield) and potentially taking away 25 million consumers from their business. Napster sends a disruptive message of change to the music industry, kicking out the old and bringing in the new and because of this the profitable or derly business of recording, promoting and selling music will never be the same again. Basically the music industry will become obsolete, thus losing jobs in the music industry, but according to TIME magazine, â€Å" record sales have gone up and there is virtually no indication that record sales are at a loss.†(pg.56) due to Napster, and free internet trade. Free internet music trade actually promotes new artists and recording artists by allowing the user to download music free of charge, and listen to their music allowing the user to make the decision whether or not to purchase the album.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Cultural Engineering of the Poetic Parental Instinct :: Areopagitica John Milton Poetry Essays

Cultural Engineering of the Poetic Parental Instinct It seems that biological genetic engineering is not a contained threat; in the last decade it seems to have spilled significantly into cultural and literary studies. In Renaissance studies, this trend becomes evident in Richard A. Goldthwaithe's Wealth and the Demand for Art in Italy: 1300-1600 (1993) and especially in Lisa Jardine's Worldly Goods: A New History of the Renaissance (1996). These "new histories" of "worldly and wealthy" Renaissance attempt to present consumerism and Thatcherism as the moving spirit of Renaissance society and art. Considering the mere fact that less than 5% of the population could have afforded art, this search for Thatcherite "motions" in Renaissance society and culture seems to correlate, in its result, to what T. S. Eliot defines as artists' search for new emotions in art. Unfortunately, this trend of engineering the cultural history can be observed, albeit in a slightly different form, also in the studies of individual authors and their works, and J ohn Milton and his Areopagitica are no exception. One of the reasons for this trend in Milton studies and this particular pamphlet can be sought in the over-saturation of Areopagitica criticism dealing, to a great extent, with various aspects of authorial intention and textual authority. This particular strain seems to have been brought to the point of absurdity in Paul M. Dowling's Polite Wisdom: Heathen Rhetoric in Milton's "Areopagitica" (1995), a book from which one can conclude, in contrast to earlier criticism (Barker, Kendrick, Belsey), that Milton's main intention for his pamphlet was to be understood at two levels—as suggested in Dowling's title— and to defend simply the freedom of philosophic speech. As D. F. McKenzie has noted, recently there has been a shift of scholarly interest in Milton's Areopagitica from "questions of authorial intention and textual authority to those of textual dissemination and readership" (Miller 26). While this distancing from the authorial intention has resulted in some illuminating works about the world of printing, Renaissance economy, censorship and public sphere (Miller, Sherman, Norbrook), it has also produced some curious side-effects because the critics cannot avoid, in their final analysis, touching upon the authorial intention in the light of their newly made discoveries. Thus, Stephen B. Dobranski suggests that, since Areopagitica is about books, "the reading of the text should begin (but not, of course, end) by placing the pamphlet within the world of printing"

Friday, October 11, 2019

Macau Pension Fund Essay

According to the Act 84/89/M, Social Security fund would provide subsidies or assistance for unemployed, sick and retired people. This was the so-call â€Å"the first tier of social security†. At the same time, SSF was positioned as a financially independent fund under the local government. In Macau, Pension fund is included in the SSF, and there is no separation between the management of pension fund and SSF. Instead, pension fund is considered as an expense from the aspect of financial management. All the working people, including non-permanent and permanent residents, are required to contribute to SSF in each month. If they have contributed enough amounts, they can get part of or all the pension fund payment after retirement. Since 1993, the government was gradually enlarging the coverage of pension fund beneficiary. So far, most unemployed or workless people, such as housewife, could join the voluntary contributions program. After certain periods of contribution, those people are also entitled to the pension fund payment from SSF once they are over 60. 2. 0 Current Problems As a financially independent fund, SSF is supposed to maintain the operation with the contribution as its major income. However, government funding has already become the most important income of SSF in recent years. In 2010, government budget and funding from gaming tax accounted for 92% of the total income of SSF (see figure 1). For the pension fund, many people stated that the pension fund payment, maximum MOP 2,000, is not enough under the high-inflation economy. Some academies also claim that the contribution is not enough to maintain the budget balance of SSF. After all, government announced the predictable deficit of SSF since 2014 and bankruptcy in 2020 without government funding, which cause the heated discussion in Macau. 3. 1 Insufficient Contribution According to the SSF regulation, a resident who have contributed to SSF for 30 years is qualified to get MOP 2,000 per month after retirement at 65. Actually the monthly contribution to SSF has been fixed at MOP 45 per person since 1998, which means the total contribution in 30 years would be returned in 9 months after retirement. Figure 1: Income of SSF in 2010 The contribution in 2010 only accounted for 5. 35% of the annual income of SSF and 24. 4% of the pension fund payment. In other words, the contribution is obviously insufficient to support the pension fund payment. The pension fund payment has been increased from MOP 800 in 1995 to MOP 2,000 recently, so as other subsidies and assistances. Therefore, the government kept increasing funding for SSF to prepare for the increasing outcome. Millions (MOP) Figure 3: Social security expenditures by SSF 3. 2 Insufficient Pension Fund Payment According to the poverty line set up by Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the people with an income level lower than half of median income should be considered as poor people. Referring to 2011 median income published by Macau Statistics and Census Service, people have income lower than MOP 5,000 per month should be classified as needy. However, the maximum amount of pension fund payment is MOP 2,000, only 40% of the poverty line. The payment is even lower than the minimum subsistence index for one-person family, which is MOP 3,000 after the adjustment by Macau government on 1 Apr 2012. In view of this, some communities and organizations have called for further raise of pension fund payment. 3. 3 Inefficient Management Rate of Return Percentage Inflation Rate Figure 2: Investment return of SSF balance and Macau inflation rate Given the enlarging funding from government, the balance of SSF have increased from MOP 1. 5 billion in 2006 to MOP 6. 2 billion in 2010. However, it has been shown in Figure 2 that the investments return of SSF balance is just a bit higher than the inflation. During the financial crisis, there was even a negative return recorded in 2008. By ignoring year 2008, there is still a downward trend of the return. According to the 2010 annual report of SSF, 72. 43% of SSF balance was deposited into local bank, the remaining proportion was entrusted to fund managing company for only low-risk investments. Under the fix-rate hedging between MOP and HKD, the interest rate of Macau is close to interest rate in Hong Kong, which is similar to US interest rate. Since the 2008 financial crisis, Fed has applied the ultra low interest rate and the interest rate is believed to be maintained until 2014. So, a 72. 43% of deposit in an investment portfolio is reasonably considered as inefficient. 3. 4 Irregular government subsidies In 2008 Macau government introduced the â€Å"Wealth Partaking Scheme†. Each permanent resident will receive the cash check issue by government and each non-permanent residents would received 60% of the partaking amount to permanent resident. The aim of the scheme is to share the result of economic development under the high-inflation economy. However, in some people’s view, the scheme has been considered as supplement of social security and thus expected to transfer the scheme into regular subsidies. Beside the partaking scheme, Macau government established the â€Å"Central Saving Plan† – to inject certain capital into individual account of all the permanent attained the age of 22 in the year. The government claimed that the plan is â€Å"the second tier of social security† and the plan will enhance the living security of retired people. Under the government regulation, people could withdraw the saving fund only when they are over 65 or in urgent needs.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Beauty by Jane Martin Essay

We live in a country where television and advertisement is designed to entice people into always wanting more than what they already have. This enticement is achieved by feeding into the human desire for happiness. Advertisers create persuasive campaigns that inundate the public with images of societies narrow interpretation of success and beauty. These images are then presented as a precondition to the happiness that human beings are searching for. When a person’s reality does not match this narrow image, the message sent through television and advertisements is that in order to be content people need to find a way to acquire it. As a result we live in a society where people are continuously longing for a happiness that can only be achieved through things that are fleeting and external, which creates feelings of discontentment In the satirical one-act play â€Å"Beauty† by Jane Martin the two sole characters are Bethany and Carla. Their behavior demonstrates the affects of discontentment caused by the media. Despite the fact that both of these women are reasonably successful, they each want the things that they do no have that are present in each other. Carla is beautiful and wants to be smart and Bethany is smart and wants to be beautiful. Under normal circumstances the longing to have what someone else has, is usual either eventually abandoned or translates into negative emotions that are never acted on. However, due to the benefit of theatrics, these yearning become achievable because Bethany arrives at Carla’s house armed with â€Å"†¦a goddamn genie and one more wish!† (1108) The play is a microcosm of the discontentment in our society. This discontent is exhibited most effectively through Bethany’s character since she was the one more willing take exaggerated measures to obtain what she wanted. Although, Carla similarly voiced some discontentment with her life, she was not willing to exchange her reality for someone else’s. When we segregate each character and situation for examination, we are able to see how Martin purposefully crafts a story to effectively leave the audience thinking about the impact of discontentment in society. Carla is a symbol of the allure and illusion of beauty. She is a model the sociocultural standard of feminine beauty in society, however nothing about her is as it appears. Although she is a model, she is struggling. She is beautiful but her looks were altered by cosmetic surgery. Men were attracted to her but the  quality of the men is questionable. The fact that she is not smart is to deliberately create the stereotype of the dumb model. The media’s use of such unrealistic models like Carla and it makes it difficult for females to achieve any level of contentment with their physical appearance. Carla is the false god the media f orces women to compare themselves against. Her beauty is unattainable as it is the result of drastic measures. Yet, even if other women decide to go through those drastic measures they soon learn, like Carla, that it does not ultimately bring them happiness. When you examine Carla and Bethany’s relationship, you can further see the emptiness in Carla’s life. She describes Bethany as being one of the only female friends that she has. Reading the dialogue, even beyond the obvious points, there is so much about the friendship that is flawed. Bethany is not even aware that it is Carla’s birthday and when made aware she only half-heartedly acknowledges it before she continues on with her conversation/purpose for being there. Bethany also shows no regard for the fact that Carla and is on the phone regardless of how many times Carla asks her to be quiet. When Carla does finish her telephone the two carry on separate monologues and their conversation only finds connection when Carla realizes that she is the topic. Carla even acknowledges that Bethany does not like her most of the time. Which forces the reader to question the extent to which Carla understands relationships like friendship. Interestingly, Martin chose to have Carla be somewhat modest and even somewhat self-deprecating regarding her attitude of toward herself and complimentary toward her less attractive friend. This choice is interesting in that we generally think of the beautiful girl in stories as being the morally corrupt one. In popular culture the most beautiful girl is generally depicted as the villain. Yet, Martin breaks from this traditional trajectory. On the other hand, Bethany is an almost villainous character. She is negative, admittedly jealous, self-absorbed, and single-minded in her motivations for things that are fleeting and superficial that she believes beauty gives. She is a successful accountant, a published author, and pretty. However, these things are not enough for her. It could be said that her attitude is an indictment on the fact that women forced to view themselves in terms of their looks. Carla is allowed in many ways to be more human than Bethany is because she no longer has to strive for better  looks. An additional evaluation can also be done of the genie, which is symbolic of the world of advertising. He is a larger than life colorful character that represents the glamour and glitz of the advertising world. The offering of wishes represents the promises of advertisings. The fact that he is â€Å"see-through† (1106) is symbolic of the illusion and deception of advertisement. The whole concept of advertising is comparable to a mirage, which is a natural occurring optical illusion, yet even with the scientific explanation it is still an abstract experience that is a combination of desire and imagination. Advertising is just that, a mirage, a natural occurring illusion that comes into agreement with our desires and imagination. According to the Media Center for Literacy, â€Å"advertising is the most powerful education tool in American† which explains why women are conditioned to view themselves this prism. Bethany was the type of person the advertisement agencies target. She was unhappy with herself, as well as someone willing to go to any length or pay any price to obtain the perfect image. The media works hard at creating a society that view themselves negatively and then they prey on the victims. Ultimately, Martin uses his play to force the audience to question ideas of beauty, happiness, and what it means to live a good life. The characters, Bethany and Carla, present us with different elements of society. Each yearns for something outside of themselves. However, the desire for beauty trumps the desire for other traits like intelligence and personal success to the extent that someone is willing to give up everything for it. WORKS CITED Kilbourne, Jean. Beauty†¦and the Beast of Advertising. 21 December 2012 . Martin, Jane. â€Å"Beauty† Literature and the Writing Process. Ed. Susan X. Day, RobertFunk, and Elizabeth McMahan. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2007. Print.

HIV And Migration Health And Social Care Essay

The AIDS epidemic was foremost recognized on June 5, 1981, in the United States when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) , reported bunchs of Pneumocystis pneumonia caused by a signifier of Pneumocystitis carinii in five homosexual work forces in Los Angeles. Over the following 18 months more PCP bunchs were recognized along with timeserving diseases like Kaposi ‘s Sarcoma and relentless lymphadenopathy nowadays in immunosuppressed patients. It was suggested in 1982 that a sexually transmitted infective agent might be the causative factor and the presence in bunchs of cheery work forces resulted in the initial term â€Å" GRID † or gay-related immune lack. Health governments shortly realized that about half of the instances recognized were non homosexual work forces and therefore the term GRID was abandoned. Same form of timeserving infections were besides recognized amongst Intravenous drug users, haemophiliac and Haitian immigrants. By August 1982 the disease was being recognized by its new CDC given name Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS ) . Research work had started by this clip on finding the causative agent. In 1983 a squad of Gallic physicians isolated the a virus which was confirmed by research workers in US and after work on the new strains identified from AIDS patients the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses coined the name HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus ) . It was subsequently established that AIDS spread had started decennaries before these first bunchs were recognized in 1981. Earliest Samples Four of the earliest studied specimen known to hold HIV were, A plasma sample taken in 1959 from a adult male life in Congo, from a lymph node sample from an grownup female besides from Congo, an American adolescent who died in 1969 and a tissue sample from a Norse crewman who died around 1976. After these surveies it was suggested that first instances of HIV were introduced into human around 1940s or the early 1950s. It was farther suggested as a consequence of a new survey that the first instance of HIV-1 occurred around 1931 in West Africa based on a complex computing machine theoretical account of HIV development. Subsequently a survey in 2008 dated the beginning of HIV to be between 1884 and 1924 and demonstrated that variegation of HIV-1 occurred long earlier AIDS pandemic was recognized. It is suggested that when AIDS was foremost noted in 1981 there were an approximative figure of 100,000 to 300,000 bing instances of AIDS. In these old ages of soundless spread one of the major factors which played a function was international travel. In the US for case, international travel undertaken by immature work forces doing the most of the homosexual sexual revolution of the late seventies and early 80s surely played a big portion in taking the virus worldwide. Similarly in Africa travel within the towns, metropoliss etc. resulted in the spread of the disease.MigrationMigration is the motion of people across a specified boundary for the intent of set uping a new or semi-permanent abode. There are assorted types of migrations Cyclic Movement – Involves transposing, seasonal motion and nomadism Periodic Movement – Migrant labour, Military Service related and pastoral agriculture Transhumance Migratory Movement – Includes motion of people from one portion of the universe to another, e.g. from China to Southeast Asia, from Europe or Africa to north America and from Eastern US to Western portion Rural Exodus – Migration from rural countries to metropoliss Forced Migration – Due to disease, war, dearth & A ; catastrophe All of these types of migration played a important function in spread of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Migration is governed by certain Torahs of societal scientific disciplines which have following cardinal points. Every migration flow generates a return or counter migration Majority of migrators move a short distance Migrants traveling long distances choose large metropoliss Urban occupants are less migratory than rural dwellers Young grownups are more likely to travel so households Migration occurs because persons search for nutrient, sex and security outside their usual habitation Labor markets in industrialised economic systems are regulated by migration. There are certain factors which force people to travel out of their bing home ground to topographic points which are attractive. These factors are known as push and pull factors as shown in the tabular array.Pull FactorsJob chances, Better life conditions, Political and/or spiritual freedom, Enjoyment, Education, Better medical attention, Security, Family links, Industry, Better opportunities of happening wooingPush FactorsNot plenty occupations, Few chances, â€Å" Crude † conditions, Desertification, Famine/drought, Political fear/persecution, Poor medical attention, Loss of wealth, Natural Disasters, Death menaces, Slavery, Pollution, Poor lodging, Landlords, Bullying, Poor opportunities of happening wooingRelationship between HIV/AIDS and MigrationLinkss between HIV/AIDS and migration are close and complex. The current geographics of the AIDS epidemic is besides the hint to its nexus with mobility. It has been observed in surveies that the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS is non in the poorest states but those with good conveyance substructure, comparatively high degrees of economic development and considerable internal and cross-border migration. Understanding the relationship between mobility and AIDS can therefore aid in the anticipation and therefore the bar of spread elsewhere. There are four cardinal ways in which migration is tied to the rapid spread and High prevalence of HIV/AIDS: There is a higher rate of infection in ‘migrant communities ‘ which are frequently socially, economically and politically marginalized. The societal webs of migrators create chance for nomadic sexual networking. Migration gives in itself as mentioned above chance to people and do them more vulnerable to high hazard sexual behaviour. Migration makes people hard to make through intercessions such as instruction, rubber proviso, HIV proving and post infection intervention and attention.Empirical grounds of the nexus between HIV/AIDS and migrationIn South Africa the incidence of HIV has been found to be higher near roads and amongst people who either have personal migration experience or have sexual spouses who are migrators. In Southern and West Africa, migratory workers and their sexual spouses have a higher degree of infection rates than general population. Traveling Traders and truck drivers often show stunningly high rates of infection as reported in another South African Study. Boundary line towns have higher rates of HIV prevalence, being topographic points where transients such as truck drivers etc come in contact with local population which is distant from centrally oriented national AIDS control plans.High Hazard GroupsYoung labourers seeking employment in center or high income states after making as labour immigrants and going economically feasible tend to indulge in active sexual patterns including unprotected commercial sex with multiple spouses. Refugees and internally displaced individuals have besides been found to be particularly vulnerable to HIV infection because of the same break that caused them to migrate. e.g. refuge adult females raped by soldiers. Sexual activity is portion of certain labour civilizations in which migrators from really low socioeconomic backgrounds arrive in countries where physical labour like mining etc is required. These labourers are forced into sex by supervisors and chance suppliers. This includes homosexualism and heterosexualism and so the person has sex with the spouse at place. Peoples who spend clip off from place due to the nature of their work and autumn into multiple short term relationships inclusive of commercial sex, vitamin E g in Zambia low income work forces populating off from place for one or two months a twelvemonth are twice every bit likely to get HIV so work forces populating at place. Gender kineticss besides have different hazards of exposures to HIV in migration as adult females are peculiarly at hazard of transactional sex.AIDS patients and MigrationPeoples with AIDS normally return to populate with households to obtain attention. This includes traveling from Urban to rural or from a high income to a low income state. e.g. South Africa to Lesotho Some migrate back to supply attention to patient at place Loss of household income due to decease of a gaining household member by AIDS causes other household members to migrate seeking work chances. In countries where decease and enervation due to HIV is doing diminution in productiveness and addition in poorness, dwellers are forced to travel out. High rates of decease in certain labour sectors forces people to migrate from other parts into that country. Peoples with diagnosed HIV may migrate to avoid stigmatisation by their ain community or to seek better wellness attention for their unwellness. This involves cross-border motions to a state perceived to hold better wellness attention installations. HIV/AIDS decease toll consequences in spreads and economical deficits taking states to seek replacing accomplishments from other parts of the universe. AIDS orphans and widows or widowmans who sometimes are septic themselves besides migrate to populate with other relations or have to remarry confronting resettlement.HIV & A ; Migration – Regional impactEurope Harmonizing to important migratory tracts there are considerable differences across Europe. Greece, Portugal. Serbia and Spain provide beginnings casting HIV-1 as these states attract tourers and therefore HIV migrate from southern to Central Europe by agencies of septic travellers. Migratory marks are Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg and therefore highlighted as HIV migratory marks. Bidirectional motion occurs across Denmark, Germany, Italy, Norway, Netherland, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. Luxembourg has the highest rate of imported infections with most tracts arising in Portugal, while Netherlands has been found to hold the most diverse geographical beginning of HIV research workers have found that HIV migration from bi directional states was important. Asia In Asia the most important states in context of AIDS are Bangladesh, China, Srilanka, North Korea, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Mongolia. Although in remainder of Asia the pandemic degree is comparatively low but the nature of socio-economic characteristics can take to an detonation of an epidemic. In India entirely there are 5.1 million people populating with HIV i.e. 2nd largest after South Africa. There are migrators within this part who really frequently face poverty favoritism and development. They besides suffer from disaffection and a sense of namelessness and small entree to healthcare services instruction and separation from households. All these factors make them more vulnerable to get HIV. There is a big incidence of harlotry amongst migrators in these countries along with pattern of unprotected sex and cross boundary line commercial sex work farther lending to distribute of HIV. United states In North America there is high motion of immigrants from all parts of the Earth. USA and Brazil are of import in this context. USA for the past 20 old ages had a policy of prohibition over entry of anyone who is HIV positive. On October 31 2009 the US president announced that the prohibition was traveling to be lifted and from January 2010 anyone positive with HIV will non be denied entry to US on this footing. This proclamation was taken with a positive response in relation to cut downing the stigma associated with HIV. The figure of people populating in Brazil with HIV is 727601 the spread of HIV in Brazil is mostly attributed to the frequent migration of the population within the national boundary lines as opposed to international migration. Australia Australia best exemplifies the relationship of AIDS and migration as because of its independent geographical state of affairs and regulated in-migration Torahs the control of AIDS epidemic has been extremely successful. Australia besides has a policy harmonizing to which any immigrant who is HIV positive at clip of application is denied in-migration or is put in to a procedure of entreaty which is long plenty for the applier to retreat from the procedure. Africa Seventy per cent of the 36 million people septic worldwide with HIV live in Sub-Saharan Africa and within this part the states of Southern Africa are the worst affected. The eight states with the highest rates of infection are in Southern Africa, followed by six states in East Africa, and so five other states, merely one exterior Africa. The grounds why the highest rates of infection in the universe occur in Southern Africa are ill-defined. Although the states of the part have much in common, their histories over the last 20 old ages have been really different. AIDS in Africa is a pandemic affecting lives of over 22.5 million people in Sub Saharan Africa entirely. Swaziland, Botswana, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Central African Republic, Mozambique, United Republic of Tanzania, Equatorial Guinea, Cote di Ivoire, Cameroon, Kenya, Burundi, Liberia, Haiti and Nigeria have the highest Numberss of HIV positive patients. Significant illustration of Zimbabwean migration to neighbouring provinces is disputed, estimations range from more than three million people to a few hundred 1000, doing it hard to do an overall appraisal of the spread of HIV/AIDS transference Similarly South African migration undertaking ( SAMP ) found that migration was one of the chief factors lendingProposed Solutions towards cut downing the hazard of HIV spread through migrationHIV has been recognized as one of the taking wellness challenges in the universe today so most of the stairss mentioned are already implemented in some states but still spreads in policies and wellness systems need to be filled As proposed by UNAIDS Labor migration policies need to be implemented and integrated in all facets of wellness system including Government statute law, actions by Civil Society, Workers organisations and concerns and international spouses to give maximal protection and services to migrating labour from HIV as a vulnerable group. Health programmes in states should aim non merely the national populations but besides be aimed at migrators, travellers and tourers who are both major beginning and marks of HIV. It is of import non to stigmatise migrators as carriers of disease. Peoples to be kept out is short sighted and encourages xenophobia farther marginalising already vulnerable migratory communities and exacerbates the socio-economic conditions that contribute to distribute of HIV. Legal limitations that attempt to forestall migration create clandestine flows of people, excluded from entree to medical and societal services. Alternatively of ineffectual efforts to forestall people from traveling, there need to be HIV/AIDS intercessions from instruction and bar through proving and reding to intervention and attention that are designed for and targeted at peculiar migratory populations. Focused intercessions in new locations for migrators until they become incorporate good into the new societies. Trans-migrants who have more than one places need intercessions at all their occupant topographic points. Mobile population are the most hard to make but can be given intercessions harmonizing to motions like rubbers at truck Michigans, Education stuff in coachs and nomadic clinics. Rapid response in extremely nomadic signifier for communities seeking safety in conditions like war. Inculcating migrators with instruction, bar, proving and intervention is the best manner of supplying protection to vulnerable communities seeking support through migration.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ask week 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ask week 6 - Essay Example Explicate some of the benefits associated with the use of informal organization. Although informal organization is argued to promote and to continue social cultural values of the organization, it can also lead to negative attitudes between employees. Explain ways through which informal organization can lead to this effect. How do people who refuse to transfer knowledge to others in an organization affect the running of the organization? What are advantaged accrued from mentoring and knowledge transfer within the organization? The current formal setting within the organization affects decision making processes. It is apparent that the organization can be termed as a family business entity. In what ways is this scenario a barrier in paving way for successful and effective decision making processes? It can be argued that in order to resolve the land problem, this formal organizational structure needs to be challenged. In what ways can this structure be challenged? Do you see the use of informal organization playing a critical role to this

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Managment - Essay Example I let them quarrel and sort out their differences. While some people may be able to put behind their personal differences and give their best output but others may not be able to do so. I need to make better decision than to leave them to their means. If as a manager I am able to ensure that their differences are ironed out, they will be able to work better. (Gerald Matthews, 2004) A manager should be able to break the ice between his team members. The longer it would take for them to become familiar with each other; greater would be the hindrance to work. I can deduce from my results that I am not good in this regard and would certainly like to work on this aspect of my personality. I am usually hesitant to start conversations but as a manager the onus lies more on me than on anyone else. A manager should be fully aware of his strengths and weaknesses before he tries to understand his team’s. This is a point where I would be able to succeed easily. My assessment scores have not been much different from the scores that my friend gave me. This indicates that myself awareness level is high and will make it easy for me to work on my weaknesses. I can see from my assessment test that I feel nervous about choking at crucial situations. This is a problem that I need to solve. A manager who looks nervous in the face of an approaching deadline might not be able to motivate his team. However in this regard my friend’s perception is different. He feels that I give my best effort during a crunch situation. This indicates that I may have been able to hide my emotions of being nervous which certainly bodes well for managerial job. I however do remain calm most of the times even during a fight which I think is a good managerial quality. A successful manager usually does not takes decisions unilaterally. He should take inputs from all the concerned and then decide according to the best inputs he receive. This is already being done by me as I can deduce from